Journal for German Studies

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The Zeitschrift für Germanistik (ZfGerm) was founded in 1980 and is published by well-known representatives of German literary studies. It is editorially linked to the Institute for German Literature at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Since 1990 ZfGerm has been published by the Peter Lang publishing house based in Bern.

The ZfGerm discusses problems in the history of German-language literature and contemporary literature, pursues new theoretical approaches and actively participates in discussions about the perspectives of the subject. The individual editions contain essays, discussion and research contributions, as well as new materials, miscells and dossiers as well as a very detailed review section.

The following are currently represented in the editorial board : Mark-Georg Dehrmann (since 2018), Alexander Košenina (since 1998), Claudia Stockinger (since 2018) and Ulrike Vedder (since 2010). Editorial was ZfGerm of Brigitte Peters care (2019); From 2019 Hannah Markus took over the editorial management. The magazine appears three times a year (with approx. 240 printed pages per issue), both in print and in electronic versions; Since 1999, the publications for the journal for German studies have also been published in loose succession .

The publisher Peter Lang signed a contract with IngentaOpen specifically for the distribution of magazines on the so-called golden open access usage (see Goldener Weg in Open Access ). This changed the license for use with the first issue in 2018.


The ZfGerm was published by the Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig for eleven years, from 1980–1990, and has been published by Peter Lang since 1990. International publishing house of the sciences (Bern).

Cover of the ZfGerm

The first editorial board from 1980-1990 included: Claus Träger (management), Klaus-Dieter Hähnel (editor-in-chief), Wolfdietrich Hartung , Werner Herden , Dieter Nerius , Rainer Rosenberg , Wolfgang Spiewok and Hans-Georg Werner ; In 1981 Georg Michel and Klaus Schaefer were accepted . In the opening (issue 1/1980, p. 5) it says: The journal for Germanistik will “endeavor to represent the German studies of the GDR in their research status, their tasks and positions as well as in the international debate about relevant problems of this science to enter. With this in mind, she is also open to the expression of opinion by colleagues from abroad who are striving to achieve the same goal ”.

Although many socio-political developments were to be foreseen after the “turnaround”, the end of the Leipzig publishing house came as a surprise; as early as the 1/1991 issue, the magazine was published by the Peter Lang publishing house as the “Zeitschrift für Germanistik. New episode "published. The ZfGerm appeared henceforth not only with a new profile, but also with a new editorial board ( Klaus-Dieter Hähnel , Managing Editor, William Bondzio , Klaus Hermsdorf , Peter Uwe Hohendahl , Zoran Konstantinović , Yoshio Koshina , Gotthard Lerchner , Norbert Oellers ) and a new international advisory board ( Erwin Arndt , Hans Eichner , Walter Grab , Denis Howard Green , Wolfdietrich Hartung , Renate von Heydebrand , Frank Hörnigk , Bernd Hüppauf , Roland Krebs , Gerd Labroisse , Tadeusz Namowicz , Kurt Nyholm , Pjotr ​​Paliewski , Rainer Rosenberg , Barbara Sandig , Simonetta Sanna , Hinrich C. Seeba , Franz Simmler , Horst Sitta , Emil Skála ). Essential aspects contributed to the re-profiling: Discussing contributions were reinforced and controversial concepts and open problems of the subject were brought into focus in a more targeted manner; Attention was paid to a “reasonable” mix of East and West German colleagues as well as foreign specialist colleagues; the contribution of linguistics should be geared more towards interdisciplinary aspects (cf. also: ZfGerm NF I (1991), no. 1, p. 5f.).

The following editors have shaped the scientific profile of the journal for German studies in the past few years / decades : Norbert Oellers (1991–2002); Peter Uwe Hohendahl (1991-2003); Ernst Osterkamp (1994-1998); Horst Wenzel (1995-2006); Werner Röcke (1995-2010); Inge Stephan (1996-2010); Erhard Schütz (1996-2018) and Steffen Martus (2005-2018).

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Individual evidence

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