Zeller Graben
Zeller Graben and Zellergraben are names of waters:
- Zeller Graben (Edenlander Bächlein) , right tributary of the Edenlander Bächlein (to the Pfettrach ) near Edenland, Weihmichl municipality , Landshut district, Bavaria
- Zeller Graben (Kößlarner Bach) , left tributary of the Kößlarner Bach (to the Inn ) near the Innstau Schärding new building, town of Neuhaus am Inn , district of Passau, Bavaria
- Zeller trench (Schwarzach) , right tributary of here yet Stadtbach mentioned Schwarzach in Bad Saulgau , Sigmaringen County, Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Zellergraben (Irrebach) , right tributary of the Irrebach (to Altmühl ) to Weiherschneidbach , Markt Weidenbach, Ansbach district, Bavaria
- Zellergraben (Isar) , in the left floodplain of the Isar a seeping brook to Wallgau , Garmisch-Partenkirchen district, Bavaria
- Zellergraben (Main) , also Zeller Graben , left tributary of the Main to Pflochsbach , town of Lohr am Main, Main-Spessart district, Bavaria
- Zellergraben (Untere Argen) , left tributary of the Untere Argen near Zell, Neutrauchburg district , Isny im Allgäu, Ravensburg district, Baden-Württemberg
See also: