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Coat of arms of the lords and barons of Zesterfleth

The family Zesterfleth ( Lords of Zesterfleth zu Bergfried ) belongs to the ancient nobility of Bremen and derives its name from its no longer existing parent company Zesterfleth , whose place had its own church early on, was on an Elbe island at the site of Hahnöfersand , and probably one Storm surge on November 18, 1412 was washed away.


The lineage of the family begins with the knight Marquard of Cestervlete . The family crypt is located under the church in Steinkirchen (Altes Land) (St. Martini et Nicolai zu Steinkirchen; first mentioned in 1332) close to their ancestral castle keep, which existed until 1857. They donated the altar, pulpit, etc. to the half-timbered church in Grünendeich, built in 1608 , at that time they had their residence on the Sassenhof . The Celle Oberappellationsrat Diedrich VIII. Christian Arnold de Zesterfleth, a descendant of Eberhard von Zesterfleth, and his descendants were entitled to use the baron title in a confirmation of the nobility in 1813 by Jérôme Bonaparte .

Personal details

  • Helmerd is known as the oldest ancestor in the period 1305-1316.
  • Johann von Zesterfleth ; As cathedral dean he caused a scandal for the Archbishop of Bremen, Albert II of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, and was then Bishop of Verden from 1381 to December 11, 1388
  • Anna (or nobility) von Zersterfleth ∞ Heinrich von Clüver (* 1415)
  • Hermann von Zesterfleth († 1610/11); Lübeck canon, scholar, humanist, traveler, poet

The lines of the Zesterfleth in Mecklenburg and Brandenburg have expired.

Countess Juliane von Kielmansegg, b. von Zesterfleth (1808–1888)
  • Christian Arnold von Zesterfleth (1750-1820) was judge (not: President) of the Higher Appeal Court in Celle, then president of the Verdenschen knighthood in Stade. He collected valuable paintings, lived well and left his heirs heavily burdened goods. He married Juliane Magdalene von Horn (1760–1805) in Wiegersen (Apensen Church) in 1779, the last of her tribe; brought knightly goods (cf. Rittergut Wiegersen ) into marriage (her mother Gertrud Anna vd Lieth (1742–1807) was also the last of her tribe) (NDB vol. 9, p. 298).
    • Heinrich von Zesterfleth (born January 8, 1781, † April 18, 1848 in Hamburg); 1798–1801 stud. jur. in Göttingen, 1805–1836 landowner, from 1806 or 1814 court and chancellery advisor (= judge) at the judiciary in Hanover, 1811 tribunal judge in Bremervörde, 1812 at the French. Court of Justice in Hamburg, in 1813 he gathered a Bremen-Verdensches battalion against the French occupation with Major vd ceilings. From 1817 he was head captain at the Lauenau office . He was considered an excellent lawyer and hothead who did not get on well with other authorities. After his father's death, the inherited goods cause him considerable problems. From 1832 to 1841 he was captain at the Medingen office .
      • Oswald; died young
      • Juliane von Zesterfleth (born February 15, 1808 in Hanover, † November 28, 1888 in Dresden, buried in Gülzow ) last of the tribe, married Count Eduard von Kielmannsegg in Medingen on September 4, 1832
        • Alexander (* 1833) kk frigate lieutenant; ∞ Sophia Philippa Sidney
        • Thedel (* 1836) Lord of Wiegersen and Borrl in the Duchy of Bremen
        • Oswald (born July 17, 1838) kk Ober-Leutnant; ∞ Leontine Countess Couple
          • Eduard Graf Kielmansegg (1874–1941)
        • Erich Kielmansegg (1847–1923) ∞ Anastasia Lebedewna von Lebedeff
      • Emmy (1813–1878) married the Belgian ambassador in Hanover, Baron Aldephonse du Jardin (1796–1870) in 1844 .

coat of arms

The emblem of the family shows three silver serving or pre-cutting knives in blue, one below the other . On the helmet with blue-silver covers between two serving knives (at an angle) outwards there is a golden shaft with peacock feathers on top. The increased coat of arms has two white horses with reins as shield holders , the whole thing over a tape with the motto "PANEM ET ARAM".


  • Genealogical manual of the nobility , Adelslexikon Volume XVI, Volume 137 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag , Limburg (Lahn) 2005, ISSN  0435-2408 , p. 514
  • Heinrich Borstelmann: Familienkunde des Alten Land , Hamburg 1927, pp. 258-259
  • Heinrich Borstelmann: Familienkunde des Landes Kehligen , Hamburg 1929, pp. 192–193.
  • Hermann Hoogeweg : Zesterfleth , in: Journal of the historical association for Lower Saxony 1901, pp. 257-271
  • Luneberg Mushard : Denckfahl the noble families ... , Bremen 1708 (reprint Berlin 1905)
  • Hans-Cord Sarnighausen: To the Hanoverian legal family v. Zesterfleth from the Altes Land near Stade (Elbe). In: Genealogy, German journal for family history . Issue 2/2010, Verlag Degener & Co., Insingen.
  • Hans-Cord Sarnighausen: v. Zesterfleth, Diedrich Christian Arnold (1750-1820), judge at the OAG Celle, Knighthood President in Stade . In: Jan Lokers, Heike Schlichting: CVs between the Elbe and Weser. A biographical lexicon . Volume 2, Stade 2010, pp. 351-354.
  • Hans-Cord Sarnighausen: To the Medinger "Oberhauptmann" Christian v. Zesterfleth (1781-1848) . In: Home calendar Uelzen 2011 . Pp. 67-72.
  • Hans G. Trüper : “Dishonorable, sealless boys and villains!” A disgrace by the lower aristocracy of Bremen, Heinrich von Zesterfleth. In: Imperium et comitatus. The empire and the region . 2009, pp. 149-166.
  • Hans G. Trüper: Document book of the gentlemen of Zesterfleth 1232-1677 Göttingen 2017, ISBN 978-3-8353-3142-6 .


  1. Church history of St. Nicolai in Borstel on kirche-altes-land.de ( Memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kirche-altes-land.de
  2. Adelslexikon Volume XVI, 2005
  3. ^ Church of St. Martini et Nicolai on luehe-online.de ( Memento from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Keep of the Stammschloss on burgeninventar.de ( Memento of the original from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.burgeninventar.de
  5. ^ Hans Georg Trüper: Document book of the gentlemen of Zesterfleth . ISBN 978-3-8353-3142-6 , pp. 15 .
  6. ^ Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: New general German Adels Lexicon . Volume 5, p. 99.
  7. http://gw0.geneanet.org/index.php3?b=antterli&lang=fr;iz=2;p=louise+frederique+jeanne+emmy;n=de+zesterfleth
  8. Hans G. Trüper: Document book of the Lords of Zesterfleth 1232-1677 Göttingen 2017, pp. 13-15