Zoe (moon)

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(58534) Logos I (Zoe)
Provisional or systematic name S / 2001 (58534) 1
Central body (58534) Logos
Properties of the orbit
Major semi-axis (8010 ± 80) km
Periapsis 4405 km
Apoapsis 11,614 km
eccentricity 0.45 ± 0.03
Orbit inclination (121.5 ± 2.0) ° (ecliptic) °
Orbital time (312 ± 3) d
Mean orbital velocity 0.0009 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 66 km
Dimensions (1.5 ± 0.2) 10 17 kg
Acceleration of gravity on the surface ≈ 0 m / s 2
Escape speed ≈ 0 m / s
  • KS Noll
  • DC Stephens
  • WM Grundy
  • J. Spencer
  • RL Millis
  • MW Buie
  • D. Cruikshank
  • SC Tegler
  • W. Romanishin
Date of discovery November 17, 2001
Remarks Smaller component of a double asteroid.

Zoe is the smaller component ( moon ) of the double asteroid system of the Kuiper belt asteroid and Cubewanos (58534) logos . Its mean diameter is around 66 kilometers, which is only about 14.3% smaller than the mother asteroid .

Discovery and naming

Zoe was observed on November 17, 2001 by Keith S. Noll, Denise C. Stephens, Will M. Grundy, John Spencer, Robert L. Millis, Marc W. Buie, Dale Cruikshank, Stephen C. Tegler, and William Romanishin during observations with the Hubble Space Telescope discovered. Zoe was found at 0.045 arc seconds from the Typhon discovered four years earlier, with a difference in apparent magnitude of 0.42. The discovery was announced on February 11, 2002; the companion was given the provisional designation S / 2001 (58534) 1 .

On November 23, 2006, together with the Typhon / Echidna and Ceto / Phorcys systems , the two bodies were officially named after Logos and Zoe by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). In the Gnostic tradition these are a couple.

Track properties

Track properties

Zoe orbits Logos in a prograde , very elliptical orbit between 4405 and 11 614 km from its center (major orbit half-axis 8010 km or approx. 200.3 Logos or 242.7 zoeradiums). Since both revolve around the common center of gravity , the system is to be understood as a double asteroid system. The orbit eccentricity is 0.45, the orbit is inclined 121.5 ° to the ecliptic .

Zoe and Logos orbit each other in 312 days, which corresponds to about 359.4 orbits in a Logos year (about 307 earth years).

Physical Properties

Zoe has an estimated 66 km (about 85.7% of the central body) in diameter based on the assumed equal reflectivity of 39% ± 17% based on the logo , which is exceptionally high for a small KBO .


Since its discovery in 2001, Zoe has been observed through the Hubble Space Telescope as well as through terrestrial telescopes and its orbital elements have been determined.

See also

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