Dilemma (chess)

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The dilemma ( listen ? / I ) is a special chess motif , namely a multiple repetition of a deduction chess. In a sequence of chess bids and deduction chess you win material. The expression was introduced by Aaron Nimzowitsch in 1925 for this combination motif. A dilemma is very rare in tournament practice. Audio file / audio sample

The term chess is derived from the dilemma in the game of the mill .

Party chess

The dilemma became famous through the game Torre  -  Lasker , Moscow 1925. Here, after Schwarz's 24th move, the following position was created:

Torre - Lasker
Moscow 1925
  a b c d e f G H  
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2 Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg 2
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  a b c d e f G H  
Position after Black's 24th move

Template: chess board / maintenance / alt

At first glance, White is in trouble. The tied bishop on g5 is attacked, if he moves away the queen is lost to Qxh5 .
Torre still played 25. Bf6! with the double attack Qxb5 and Rxg7 +. After the forced
25.… Qxh5
26. Rxg7 + a
dilemma has arisen .

Torre - Lasker
Moscow 1925
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess rdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess rdt45.svg Chess ndt45.svg Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
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2 Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg 2
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  a b c d e f G H  
Position after White's 26th move

Template: chess board / maintenance / alt

26 ... Kh8 only train
27 Txf7 + deduction chess
27 ... Kg8 only train
28 Rg7 + Kh8
29 Txb7 + Kg8
30 Rg7 + Kh8 Torre waived Txa7 + to the black tower not to bring into play on a8.
31. Rg5 + now he's still picking up the queen from Kh7 . The dilemma is over.
32.Rxh5 Kg6
33.Rh3 Kxf6
34.Rxh6 + White now has three more pawns . Lasker continued to play a few moves and gave up on move 43.

The second example is a real chess classic from 1956: the so-called " Game of the Century ".

  a b c d e f G H  
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3 Chess qlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess ndt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
2 Chess plt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg Chess plt45.svg 2
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  a b c d e f G H  
Black to move Position after White's 18th move

Template: chess board / maintenance / alt

18.… Bxc4 + 19. Kg1 Ne2 + 20. Kf1 Nxd4 + 21. Kg1 Ne2 + 22. Kf1 Nc3 + 23. Kg1 axb6 and Black won later.

After a previous queen sacrifice on b6 follows a series of checks by the black bishop and the withdrawing knight , whereby the white king can only alternate between two squares, a typical dilemma.

The quandary as a tactical motive not only serves as a mate attack on the opposing king, but the queen can also be the target piece or it serves to exclude an opposing piece from the defense.

Problem chess

The following is an example from chess composition in which the series of deduction chess inevitably lead to mate . The position is undoubtedly characterized by the black pawn chain along the large diagonal.

Alfred Olaf Karlstrøm
(6081) The Swallow 02/1940
  a b c d e f G H  
8th Chess kdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess klt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess ndt45.svg Chess --t45.svg 8th
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3 Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess pdt45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg Chess --t45.svg 3
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  a b c d e f G H  
(3 + 10) Checkmate in 13 moves

Template: checkerboard / maintenance / new

1.Ra2! (threatens 2nd Bxb6 + together with 3rd Bc7 #)
1.… Bh2 2. Bxb6 + Kb8 3. Ba7 + Ka8 4. Bxc5 + Kb8 5. Ba7 + Ka8 6. Bxd4 + Kb8 7. Ba7 + Ka8 8. Bxe3 + Kb8 9. Ba7 + Ka8 10. Bxf2 + Kb8 11. Ba7 + Ka8 12. Bg1 + Kb8 13. Bxh2 #

Consecutive mutual chess commandments of the tower by deduction of the runner and the runner itself through adjustment of the lanyard.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Ernst Bönsch: Small Lexicon of Chess. The royal game from exchange to draft , Sportverlag, Berlin 1988. ISBN 3-328-00233-2 , p. 125.
  2. Aaron Nimzowitsch: My system: A textbook of the game of chess on a completely new basis , Schachversand E. Niggemann, Heiden 2010. ISBN 3-942383-60-8 , pp. 187f.
  3. ^ Partie Karakas - Semjonowa , Budapest 1980. Accessed November 6, 2012.
  4. ^ Partie Schneider - Lund , Karlskrona 1983. Accessed on November 6, 2012.
  5. Karl Fabel: Kurioses Schach , Südwest-Schachreihe vol. 2, 2nd unchanged edition, Walter Rau Verlag, Düsseldorf and Kempten 1972, pp. 12-13.