Stopover (military)

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Intermediate objective (ZZ) ( English intermediate objective - IO or intermediate military objective - IMO) is a military technical term for a space commanded by the troops , which they should initially take on the way to their target .

At each command level, one or more intermediate targets can be ordered by the troop leader in order to coordinate the movements of the attacking troops spatially and temporally and to bring them into harmony with the fire of the support weapons . In the graphic representations in German-language tactical situation maps , the area of ​​an interim target (usually ellipsoid ) is circled and labeled with the acronym “ZZ” for interim target plus sequence number or name within this boundary marking . Planned intermediate destinations are marked with a dashed border line and can be supplemented with a date / time group for taking / moving into the intermediate destination area. As a rule, in the attack type of operation, one or two intermediate targets are ordered in addition to the target in order to divide the battle into combat phases and to coordinate the attacking units .

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Complete list of the results from the terminology workshops for regulating troop leadership. AHEntwg I 1 (2) / BSprA - SMD 2, p. 11; As of December 8, 2016.
  2. What does IMO stand for?
  3. ↑ Stopover . In: Rainer Oestmann: Multinational command output. English for Military Leaders. Walhalla Fachverlag , 2012, p. 33.
  4. ^ Friedrich von Cochenhausen : Tactical manual for the troop leader and his assistants. Berlin 1939.