Ángel Antonio Recinos Lemus

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Ángel Antonio Recinos Lemus (born August 2, 1963 in Azulco , Jutiapa Department , Guatemala ) is a Guatemalan clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Zacapa y Santo Cristo de Esquipulas .


Ángel Antonio Recinos Lemus studied from 1981 to 1985 at the Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Science at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala City, where he obtained a degree in systems engineering . Before he began studying philosophy at Rafael Landívar University in 1987, he worked as a computer scientist for various companies. He completed his theological studies at the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción national seminary in Guatemala City. On December 3, 1994, he was ordained a priest for the diocese of Jalapa .

In addition to various tasks in pastoral care, he was responsible for the boys' seminar in the diocese of Jalapa from 1994 to 1995 . From 1997 to 2000 he represented the diocese in the bishops' conference in questions of pastoral care for members of the indigenous peoples . In the project Red de Informatica de la Iglesia en América Latina for the use of modern information technology for the preaching ministry of the Church in Latin America, he represented the dioceses of Guatemala in 1998 and 1999. From 200 to 2003 he studied Biblical theology and Gregorian University obtained the licentiate . He was then Professor of Exegesis at the National Seminary in Guatemala City and from 2005 to 2009 academic director of the seminary's theological institute. During this time, he was teaching exegesis at the University of Rafael Landívar. From 2012 he was also an employee of the pastoral commission for environmental protection in the diocese of Jalapa.

Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Zacapa on February 22, 2016. He was ordained episcopal on May 21st of the same year by the Bishop of Sololá-Chimaltenango , Gonzalo de Villa y Vásquez SJ . Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Jalapa, Julio Edgar Cabrera Ovalle , and the Bishop of Santa Rosa de Lima , Bernabé de Jesús Sagastume Lemus OFMCap .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nomina del Vescovo di Zacapa y Santo Cristo de Esquipulas (Guatemala). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , February 22, 2016, accessed February 22, 2016 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Rosolino Bianchetti Boffelli Bishop of Zacapa
since 2016