Austrian Geldern

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Austrian Geldern was the part of the Duchy of Geldern that remained with the Habsburgs after the Peace of Utrecht ( 1713 ) - the end of the War of the Spanish Succession .

The remaining parts of the upper quarter of Geldern, which had been part of the Spanish Netherlands before the war , fell to the Austrian Netherlands (= Belgium ) or formed the Prussian Duchy of Geldern.

Upper district of Geldern 1715


The Austrian part of Geldern mainly comprised the city of Roermond with a strip to the east towards Germany. Here the area extended from Elmpt , Niederkrüchten to Wegberg . West of Roermond, separated by the county of Hoorn , was another area around the city of Weert .


From 1794 to 1814

In 1794 France conquered the territory. In 1797, in the Peace of Campo Formio , the Habsburg emperor renounced his areas on the left bank of the Rhine, which now belonged to France under international law.

The French administration incorporated the area into the Département de la Meuse Inférieure (Nieder-Maas). The German part of the area was now in the canton of Cruchten ( Niederkrüchten ).

After the Congress of Vienna

At the Congress of Vienna (1815), the areas fell to Prussia and became part of the Erkelenz district in the Rhine Province . The areas west of the Meuse , taking into account a narrow strip running east parallel to it, were ceded to the Netherlands , where they came to the province of Limburg .


  • AMJA Berkvens: “In what way het Tractaet van Venlo onderhalden.” The Tractaat van Venlo as fundamentele wet van Spaans en Oostenrijks Gelre 1580–1794 . In: Frank Keverling Buisman (ed.): Verdrag en Tractaat van Venlo. Herdenkingsbundel, 1543-1993 . Lost Hilversum 1993, ISBN 90-6550-371-4 , pp. 153-170.
  • Irmgard Hantsche: Geldern Atlas. Maps and texts on the history of a territory . Historical association for Geldern and the surrounding area, Geldern 2003, ISBN 3-921760-39-9 .


  1. AMJA Berkvens: De overheidsinstellingen van Spaans en Oostenrijks Gelre (1543-1795) . In: Wil van de Pas (ed.): "Tussen centraal en lokaal gezag". Bestuurlijke organisatie en financieel beheer in Gelre en Holland tijdens de Habsburgse period . Works Gelre, Hilversum 2004, ISBN 90-6550-831-7 , pp. 151-190.