Overnight head of the family

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German title Overnight head of the family
Original title Hello Sister, Goodbye Life
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 85 minutes
Director Steven Robman
script Alan Marc Levy
Nell Scovell
production Iddo Lampton Enochs Jr.
Marc B. Lorber
Karen S. Spiegel
music Jennie Muskett
camera Derick V. Underschultz
cut Drake Silliman

Overnight Head of Family is a 2006 American drama directed by Steven Robman based on a novel by Claire Scovell Lazebnik .


College student Olivia has to look after her half-sister Celia from second marriage after the death of her father. She has to struggle with many problems, such as getting her to school on time and picking her up again. She asks her mother for help, who also moves in with her. Nevertheless, she is not up to the task and would rather go to Italy with her boyfriend and take Celia to her grandparents. When the time comes, she doesn't drive because Celia has grown to love her.


The lexicon of international films saw a "sensitively written, convincingly played family story about growing up under difficult conditions."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Head of the family overnight. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used