Kōhei Ōtsuka

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Kōhei Ōtsuka (2009)

Kōhei Ōtsuka ( Japanese 大 塚 耕 平 , Ōtsuka Kōhei ; born October 5, 1959 in Nagoya , Aichi Prefecture ) is a Japanese political scientist and politician of the People's Democratic Party (Kokumin Minshutō). Since 2001, he has been a member of the Sangiin , the upper house of the national parliament , for Aichi Prefecture and has been Deputy Minister in the Cabinet Office in Hatoyama and in the Kan cabinet in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs, which has been reorganized for the second time . From October 2017 to May 2018 he was also chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party .


Ōtsuka was born on October 5, 1959, the son of a former officer of the Imperial Japanese Navy and studied until 1983 at the political and economic faculty of Waseda University . In 2000 he did his doctorate at their social science business school with a focus on public policy and macroeconomics . From 1983 to 2000 he also worked in monetary policy and finance for the Bank of Japan , where he was responsible for financial market regulation and the Madoguchi Shidō .

In 2001 he switched to politics and was elected to Sangiin in the 2001 upper house election as a candidate for the Democratic Party in Aichi Prefecture (then six seats, three for election). He was able to defend his seat in the subsequent elections in 2007 , 2013 and 2019 . Since 2005 he has also been a visiting professor at the Graduate School for Political Science at Chūō University and since 2006 at the "General Research Facility " ( 総 合 研究 機構Sōgō kenkyū kikō ) at Waseda University.

After the takeover of government by the Democratic Party in 2009, he was first in the Hatoyama cabinet one of three state secretaries ( fuku-daijin , "vice minister") in the cabinet office , then from January to September 2011 in the Kan cabinet, which was reorganized for the second time, together with Yōko Komiyama State Secretary in the ministry for health, work and social affairs ( MHLW for short ). In the cabinet office he was responsible for the “ decentralization reform ” ( 地域 主 権 改革 Chiiki Shuken Kaikaku ), the “ market regulation reform ” ( 規 制 改革 Kisei Kaikaku ) and the “ kidnapping problem ” ( 拉 致 問題 Rachi Mondai ). After the Tōhoku earthquake in 2011 and the subsequent Fukushima nuclear disaster , he led the measures the MHLW took in the face of the leaked radioactivity and was responsible for monitoring food and tap water to avoid contamination . He was then from September 2011 to October 2012 chairman of the "Special Committee on the Kidnapping Problem and Related Matters" ( 北 朝鮮 に よ る 拉 致 問題 等 に 関 す る 特別 委員会 Kitachōsen ni yoru rachimondai-tō ni kansuru tokubetsu iinkai ) of the House of Lords. Since the merger of the Democratic Party and Ishin no Tō in March 2016, he has been a member of the resulting Democratic Progressive Party.

On October 31, 2017, Ōtsuka was unanimously elected as his successor after the resignation of Minshintō chairman Seiji Maehara after the 2017 lower house election without any opposing candidates. His term of office was initially set to run until the end of September 2018. Since his appointment, Ōtsuka has expressed a desire to form a new party to unite the split opposition. In April 2018, these plans were concretized and Ōtsuka was able to convince the Kibō-no-Tō chairman Yūichirō Tamaki , whose party members had originally mostly belonged to the Minshintō, to unite their parties. Other opposition parties as well as several Kibō and Minshintō members refused to participate in this project, which is why ultimately only 62 members of the " People's Democratic Party " ( 国民 民主党 Kokumin Minshutō ), founded in May 2018, joined. Ōtsuka served as co-chair along with Tamaki until a party chairman was elected in September 2018. He himself did not run in the election and supported Tamaki, who was finally elected chairman, clearly against Keisuke Tsumura . Tamaki then appointed Ōtsuka next to Motohisa Furukawa as one of the deputy chairmen ( daihyō-daikō ).

Publications (selection)

  • 公共政策 と し て の マ ク ロ 経 済 政策 - 財政赤字 の 発 生 と 制 御 の メ カ ニ ズ ム に 関 す る 考察 ( Kōkyō seisaku to shite no makuro keizai seisaku - zaisei akaji akaji no hasskanei to seigō34 ) 97 .
  • ジ ャ パ ン ・ ミ ッ シ ン グ - 消 え た 日本 、 再生 の カ ギ を 考 え る ( Japan misshingu - Kieta nihon, saisei no kagi o kangaeru ) Ōpun Narejji Sha 2008, ISBN 978-4902444728 .
  • 弘法 さ ん か わ ら 版 - 弘法 大師 の 生涯 と 覚 王 山 ( Kōbō-san kawaraban - Kōbōdaishi no shōgai to kakuōzan ) Daihōrinkaku 2008, ISBN 978-4804612775 .
  • 3.11 大 震災 と 厚 労 省 - 放射性 物質 の 影響 と 暫定 規 制 ( Santenichiichi dashinsai to kōrōshō - hōshaseibusshitsu no eikyō to zantei kisei ) Maruzen 2012, ISBN 978-4621085165 .
  • 仏 教 通史 - 「弘法 さ ん か わ ら 版」 講座 ( Bukkyō tsūshi - "Kōbō-san kawaraban" kōza ) Daihōrinkaku 2015, ISBN 978-4804613772 .
  • 「賢 い 愚 か 者」 の 未来: 政治 、 経 済 、 歴 史 、 科学 、 そ し て 人間 - 「深層」 へ の ア プ ロ ー チ ( "Kashikoi orokamono", no mirai: Seiji, keizai, rekishi, rekishi ekishi, "kishi" ) Waseda-Daigaku -Shuppan-bu 2018, ISBN 978-4657180018 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 民進党: 新 代表 に 大 塚 氏 幹事 長 や 国 対 委員長 は 不在 . In: Mainichi Shimbun . October 31, 2017. Retrieved November 11, 2017 (Japanese).
  2. 解 党 、 党 名 変 更 、 存 続… 大 塚 代表 3 案 を 提示 へ . In: Mainichi Shimbun . December 12, 2017. Retrieved May 24, 2018 (Japanese).
  3. 国民 民主党 、 62 人 で 発 足 = 共同 代表 に 大 塚 ・ 玉 木 氏 . Jiji Tsūshinsha , May 7, 2018, accessed May 24, 2018 (Japanese).
  4. dpfp.or.jp - 国民 民主党 役 員 一 覧 (Japanese), accessed September 23, 2018