Željka Preksavec

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Željka Preksavec (born June 19, 1960 in Zagreb ) is an actress born in the former Yugoslavia , now Croatia .


Preksavec attended the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart , where she completed her training as an actress. Even as a young actress, she was nominated for her double role in Ernst-Jürgen Dreyer's drama Das Double by the theater magazine Theater heute as best young actress. Prekasavec was a permanent member of the ensemble at the Bonner Schauspielhaus for 13 years. She was seen in movies as well as in numerous roles on television, including in several Tatort s, in the series Der Lehrer , Danni Lowinski , Lena Lorenz and Unter uns as well as in 2012 in the literary film adaptation of Fame based on Daniel Kehlmann 's novel of the same name .

For her main role of mother Stanka Petrovic in Dennis Todorović's comedic crime drama Sascha from 2010, Prekasavec was honored as best actress at the Festival de la Luna in Valencia in 2011. In 2015 she worked again with Todorović in the tragic comedy Sister White . There she played the Swabian sister Martha, who repeatedly clashes with her sister Helene, played by Lisa Martinek , and also has to deal with Helenes' mother-in-law, played by Beatrice Richter .

Željka Preksavec, who lives in Bonn, also works as a coach and lecturer, for example at the University of Music and Dance in Cologne .

Filmography (selection)



  • 1983: Volksbühnentaler for the role of Gretchen in Goethe's Faust 1
  • 1984: Best actress in Münster
  • 1989: Nomination as best young actress of the year by Theater heute for Das Double
  • 2011: Award as best actress for the role of Stanka in Sascha at the Festival de la Luna in Valencia

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Željka Preksavec on the wfilm.de page
  2. ^ Zeljka Preksavec. In: castupload.com. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .