3rd Army (National People's Army)

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3rd Army

Lineup only in case of war
Country German Democratic RepublicGerman Democratic Republic (land of war flag) GDR
Armed forces Warsaw Pact
Type army
Insinuation High Command of the 1st Front ( GSSD )
headquarters Leipzig

The 3rd Army was a military association of the National People's Army , which in the event of war would have been formed from the associations , troops and units of Military District III ( Leipzig ). It would have been under the command of the 1st Front , consisting of GSSD and NVA  , and would have been deployed on the southern flank of the front .



  • 6th motorized rifle division (mobilization division of the NVA)
  • 17th motorized rifle division (mobilization division of the NVA)

Strategic direction

Planning until 1985

The 3rd Army was included in the early Warsaw Pact military planning as a reserve and part of the 2nd Squadron.

Planning from 1985

From 1985 the 3rd Army became an association of the 1st Squadron. In a now more defensive strategy, as part of the 1st Front, it was supposed to defend the western border of the GDR together with forces of the GSSD.

See also


  • Torsten Diedrich : The armed forces of the GDR and Poland in the operational planning of the Warsaw Pact . In: Rüdiger Wenzke (Hrsg.): Potsdam writings on military history . tape 12 . Military History Research Office, Potsdam 2010, ISBN 978-3-941571-09-9 (on behalf of the Military History Research Office).