5th Army (National People's Army)

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5th Army

Lineup only in case of war
Country Flag of NVA (East Germany) .svg GDR
Armed forces Warsaw Pact
Type army
Insinuation High Command of the 1st Front ( GSSD )
headquarters Neubrandenburg

The 5th Army of the East German NVA would only have existed in the event of war . It would have consisted of the associations of the military district V Neubrandenburg . In the structure motorized rifle division , an armored division and a large number of support means, also from the inventory of the GSSD , units and facilities for material, technical and rear security. Your place and role in the inventory of the 1st  Front , consisting of three armies from the GSSD and two from the NVA: On the northern flank of the front (coastal direction) with four divisions the Dassow - Wittenberge section and, in cooperation with the People's Navy of the GDR, the Baltic coast defend. The leadership of the front was under Soviet command .

In the event of war, it was planned to issue nuclear weapons to the 5th Army of the NVA, which were stored by the armed forces of the Soviet Union in the Himmelpfort special weapons warehouse.


Deployment and direction of attack

Planning until 1985

The 5th Army was supposed to hold the line from Wittenberge to the coast together with three Soviet armies . Then, two days after the start of the hostilities, advancing Polish formations were supposed to reinforce the lines so that the 5th Army and the other parts of the 1st Front could attack West German territory. The operational goal of the army was supposed to be the German-Dutch border at Ahaus , which they wanted to reach within a week.

Planning from 1985

From 1985 a defensive strategy was defined for the 1st Front and the 5th Army, according to which they, together with Soviet forces, should hold the Dassow - Lenzen line and prevent enemy landing attempts from the air and from the sea. Only after large parts of the attacking NATO armies had been defeated should the attack be started.

See also
