Military District V

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Military District Command V

Regimental colors of NVA (East Germany) .svg

Troop flag
active March 1, 1956 to October 2, 1990
Country Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR GDR
Armed forces NVA
Armed forces Emblem of the Ground Forces of NVA (East Germany) .svg NVA land forces
Branch of service
Type army
structure see table
Strength approx. 400 soldiers and 120 civilian employees
Insinuation Land Forces Command
command post
Last in command / chief of staff
Major General
M. Jonischkies
Chief Military District V
Chief of Staff
Stationing of the land forces of the NVA on the territory of the GDR

The Military District V (short: MB V ) was an administrative territorial division of the land forces of the NVA . In peacetime he was subordinate to one armored and two motorized rifle divisions as well as several support units and troop units. In the event of mobilization, the 5th Army and a territorial military district should be formed from the units, troops and associations of the military district . The headquarters of the command of the military district was in Neubrandenburg .



The military district V emerged with the creation of the NVA from the territorial administration north of the barracked people's police of the GDR.

“The military district V was stationed in the area of ​​the districts Neubrandenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Potsdam, Frankfurt / Oder and Magdeburg. The head of the military district was responsible for all associations, departments and institutions which, according to their structure, belong to the military district, and for matters relating to the site service, all of the units, units, departments, educational establishments and institutions of land and air defense that were permanently or temporarily housed in the territorial area of ​​the military district. "

The 9th Panzer Division , the 6th Motorized Rifle Division and the 8th Infantry Division were assigned to him. In 1956 the 8th Infantry Division was transformed into a motorized rifle division. The 6th Motorized Rifle Division was disbanded in 1958. Three training regiments were formed from their troops, which should grow into motorized rifle divisions in the event of mobilization. The 1st Motorized Rifle Division was placed under the command of Military District V as a result of the restructuring measures. This structure was retained until the NVA was dissolved.

In 1962, the independent artillery brigade-2 (sABr-2) was set up in Stallberg , which was equipped with operational-tactical missiles. The brigade was placed under the command of Military District V on May 1, 1965 and renamed the 5th Missile Brigade in 1967 . The Artillery Regiment 5 and Flak Regiment 5 were also subordinate to the Military District Command. The latter was restructured into an anti-aircraft department, from which the anti-aircraft missile regiment 5 emerged. The following remained subordinate to the command of the military district:

Training centers and mobilization

The following training institutions, which were run by the Military District V Command in peacetime, formed the basis for the formation of the mobilization divisions :

  • Training center 19 in Burg for the installation of the 19th MSD
  • Training center 20 in Karpin for the installation of the 20th MSD

In the event of war, it was planned to issue nuclear weapons to units in Military District V, which were kept by the GSSD in the Himmelpfort special weapons warehouse .


Chiefs of Military District V were:


  • Klaus Froh, Rüdiger Wenzke : The generals and admirals of the NVA. A biographical manual. Christoph Links, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-86153-209-3 .
  • Wilfried Copenhagen : The land forces of the NVA. Special edition. Motorbuch-Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-613-02297-4 .
  • Hans-Werner Deim , Hans-Georg Kampe, Joachim Kampe, Wolfgang Schubert: The military security of the GDR in the Cold War. Contents, structures, bunkered management positions, facilities. Meißler, Hönow 2008, ISBN 978-3-932566-80-6 .
  • Rüdiger Wenzke (ed.): The armed forces of the GDR and Poland in the operational planning of the Warsaw Pact (= Potsdam writings on military history. 12). Military History Research Office, Potsdam 2010, ISBN 978-3-941571-09-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Archive portal Europe
  2. ^ Matthias Uhl: Nuclear missiles for the NVA? For the initial equipment of the National People's Army of the GDR with nuclear weapons. In: Hans Ehlert, Matthias Rogg (Hrsg.): Military, state and society in the GDR. Research fields, results, perspectives (= military history of the GDR. 8). Christoph Links, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-86153-329-4 , pp. 187–204, here p. 196.