380 kV line Wesel – Doetinchem

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Full wall mast double row ( Wintrack type ) of the line in Oude IJsselstreek 2017

The 380 kV line-Wesel Doetinchem is a 2018 finished, cross-border AC-high voltage - transmission line between the substation Lower Rhine at Wesel in Germany and Doetinchem in the Netherlands .


Map of the EnLAG projects. Wesel – federal border bears the number 13.

The approximately 57 kilometers long line forms one of four extra-high voltage connections between Germany and the Netherlands. The legal basis for construction in Germany is the Energy Line Expansion Act (EnLAG) of 2009, in which the line is listed as Project No. 13. The 35 km long section from the Niederrhein substation to the federal border is operated by Amprion , the further section to the Doetinchem substation with a length of 22 kilometers by TenneT TSO BV .

The line will improve the integration of the European, in particular the north-western European electricity market, for example by generating electricity at more cost-effective locations. This is why the Germany – Netherlands connection between the Lower Rhine (DE) and Doetinchem (NL) was listed by the European Commission as a Projects of Common Interest under number 2.12 in the PCI list of the European Union. It is also used to transmit electricity from renewable energies in the Netherlands.

On both the German and the Dutch side, an existing high-voltage line will be bundled and relocated to the masts of the new line. The 110 kV Wesel / Niederrhein – Hüthum line from 1926 ran between Wesel and Millingen for the most part in the route space of the new line. For this purpose, the new 380 kV masts have an additional crossbeam to accommodate two 110 kV circuits. On the Dutch side, the 150 kV Doetinchem – Winterswijk line is carried on the same pylons over a length of 18 km; the pylons of the old line were dismantled by 2018.

Between Millingen and Isselburg, the line runs on the route of a 25 kV line that was dismantled in the course of the new line. To the north of the Wesel / Niederrhein substation, some pylons of the old 220 kV line from Wesel to Ibbenbüren could also be dismantled after this line was also replaced by 380 kV.

On the Dutch side, narrow pairs of solid wall masts (so-called Wintrack masts) are used throughout , which have been used on some lines in the Netherlands since 2011. On the German side, 22 solid-wall masts for 380 kV are being used for the first time on a seven-kilometer section before the border as part of a pilot project. These are optically linked to the design of the Wintrack masts, but are designed as single masts with three trusses and a V-shaped earth wire tip . In order to create a color transition between the conventional half-timbered and the modern solid wall masts, the last three half-timbered masts on the German side have been painted white.


Construction of the solid steel
masts ( Wintrack type ) on the Dutch side in 2017

The regional planning procedure for the 380 kV coupling line between the Niederrhein substation near Wesel and the transfer point near Isselburg on the German-Dutch border was concluded with the regional planning assessment by the Münster district government on August 24, 2011 .

The planning approval procedure for Section 1: Wesel - Point Wittenhorst was completed by the Düsseldorf District Government on October 31, 2016 with the planning approval decision authorizing the construction and operation of the 380 kV connection .

The plan approval procedure for Section 2: Point Wittenhorst - Federal Border NL was concluded with the plan approval decision of December 29, 2015 by the Münster district government .

A neighborhood lawsuit against the second section was unsuccessful.

Construction of the line began on the Dutch side in April 2016. Since July 2016, the section between Wittenhorst and Millingen and since October 2016 the section from Millingen to the federal border, including solid-walled masts, has been under construction.

In November 2017, the first of a total of 22 solid wall masts were erected at Emmerich. The 170-ton structures were delivered from Denmark by heavy load.

The first circuit on the 57 km long line was put into operation on August 23, 2018. On September 21, 2018, the new line was officially put into operation with a ceremony.


380 kV line Wesel – Doetinchem (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Lower Rhine
Lower Rhine
Border crossing point
Border crossing point
Line substations (map section North Rhine-Westphalia)

The line begins at the Niederrhein substation, which is located at the former Niederrhein power station directly on the Lippe, southeast of Wesel. Parallel to the 380 kV Wesel – Dörpen line, which is currently also being built as a new construction project , it initially runs northwards and then branches off to the northwest. At Millingen it turns northeast, crosses the A 3 and reaches the border with the Netherlands at Anholt and the Bocholter Aa .

On the Dutch side line rotates again after the north-west, running at the A 18 a piece parallel to the west, then again to the north and reaches the substation Doetinchem.

Line sections


start of building Length
( km )
1 Wesel - Point Wittenhorst March 2017 18th
2.1 Point Wittenhorst - Millingen July 2016 10
2.2 Millingen - Federal border D / NL October 2016 7th
3 Federal border D / NL - Doetinchem April 2016 22nd
Total length (km) : 57

Web links

Commons : 380 kV Wesel – Doetinchem line  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation (EU) No. 1391/2013
  2. Hoogspanningsnet.com: Wintrack. Retrieved December 29, 2016 (Dutch).
  3. hoogspanningsnet.com Forum: Doetinchem - Wesel 380. Retrieved on May 9, 2018 .
  4. Spatial planning assessment. (PDF) District government of Münster , August 24, 2011, accessed on July 14, 2020 .
  5. Official Journal No. 45, 2016, supplement. (PDF) District government Düsseldorf , November 10, 2016, accessed on July 14, 2020 .
  6. Official Gazette No. 08, 2016. (PDF) District government Münster , February 26, 2016, accessed on July 14, 2020 .
  7. BVerwG , judgment of April 6, 2017, 4 A 1.16
  8. Amprion GmbH: Planning status Wesel – Netherlands. Accessed January 30, 2018 .
  9. RP Online: Electricity pylons come from Denmark. Retrieved December 7, 2017 .
  10. ^ Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Amprion power line in Anholt officially put into operation. Retrieved September 27, 2018 .