Aage Friis

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Aage Friis (born August 16, 1870 in Korsør , parish of Halskov , † October 5, 1949 in Hellerup ) was a Danish historian and university professor .


Aage Friis completed his studies in 1896 with a master's degree in history. He was from 1891 to 1900, ie during their studies, employees of the University Library of the University of Copenhagen , where he in 1899 with a dissertation about Andreas Peter Bernstorff and Ove Høegh-Guldberg Dr. phil. received his doctorate . In 1913 he was appointed professor of history at the University of Copenhagen, where he remained until his retirement in 1935. He was rector of the university in 1932/1933. In 1919 he was one of the founders of the Northern Association in Denmark .

Aage Friis dealt with Danish history in relation to Germany. Here the Bernstorff family set one of their main themes in the history of the early modern period ; his two-volume work Die Bernstorffs und Denmark has also been translated into German. But he also emerged in Denmark as the Danish biographer of the young Bismarck before his time as Imperial Chancellor. Before and after the First World War , he was involved as a member of the Det Radikalische Venstre party, partly as an employee of the Danish Foreign Ministry, in the Sønderjylland question, which after the war, as a result of the referendum in Schleswig in 1920, led to Northern Schleswig becoming Danish again has been. He was on friendly terms with the German historian Friedrich Meinecke . He was buried on Solbjerg Parkkirkegård in Frederiksberg .


  • Bismarck. Ungdomstiden 1815-1848. En Historisk Skildring. Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1909
  • Blixen Finecke og Bismarck: en brevveksling , Graebes Bogtrykkeri, Copenhagen 1916 (special print from Danske Magazin (1916), pp. 365–387)
  • The Bernstorffs and Denmark: a contribution to the political and cultural development history of the Danish state; 1750–1835 , 2 volumes [from d. Danish]. Weicher-Verlag [u. a.], Leipzig [u. a.]



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Relevant for the different information on the place of birth Korsör / Halskov
  2. Entry at www.gravsted.dk