Abbott and Costello among cannibals

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German title Abbott and Costello among cannibals
Original title Pardon my sarong
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1942
length 83 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Alder C. Kenton
script True Boardman ,
Nat Perrin ,
John Grant
production Jules Levey
music Frank Skinner
camera Milton R. Krasner
cut Arthur Hilton

Abbott and Costello among cannibals is an American comedy film from the year 1942 with the comedy duo Abbott and Costello . It was the eighth collaboration between the two actors, which began in 1940.


Chicago Municipal Bus Company officials are concerned that the 5111 suburban bus driven by Algy Shaw and Wellington Phlug may have been stolen. In truth, the bus is on its tour to Los Angeles. Playboy Tommy Layton and a group of friends want to go to the Seaside Yachting Club there to take part in a regatta. Once there, Algy and Wellington are arrested by detective Kendall for stealing the bus. However, both can escape the detective. They flee to a theater and hide in the changing room of the magician Marco. Disguised as a magician, Algy burns the detective's arrest warrant. At the yacht club, a misunderstanding arises between Tommy and Joan Marshall, the sister of his main competitor in the race. She accuses him of bribing her brother's crew.

At the same time, Kendall manages to arrest the two bus drivers again. However, Wellington makes a wrong turn on the way to Chicago. The bus stops at the port of Los Angeles. Tommy learns that Joan has brought her brother's crew back. In return, he kidnaps her and hires the two fugitive bus drivers as a team. On the high seas, Tommy tries to make peace with Joan, but finds out that Joan has tampered with the compass and the boat is hundreds of miles off course.

After ten days of wandering, the four sift through the country. The group goes ashore on a small island. Wellington finds a native village. Wellington is believed by the natives to be a hero who should help them to recapture an ancient temple in the mountains. He is also said to marry Luana, daughter of chief Kolua, which annoys Whaba, the warrior who loves her. Meanwhile, Tommy and Joan find the hut of the treasure hunter Varnoff, who pretends to be an archaeologist. Varnoff and his men fake a volcanic explosion. Wellington should now prove to be a hero and conquer the temple. Tommy and Joan realize Varnoff's real intentions, but are captured before they can warn the others. Wellington is also captured by Varnoff when he tries to enter the temple. Varnoff wants Kolua's holy ruby ​​from Wellington.

Wellington manages to escape. With Ally's help, most of Varnoff's men are put down. Tommy and Joan can also get rid of their bonds. Tommy attacks Varnoff but is accidentally knocked down and recaptured by Joan. Wellington notices that Varnoff is trying to get away in a small motorboat and has taken Joan hostage. He goes in pursuit and uses the sharp end of a swordfish as a weapon. Wellington jumps into the boat and overpowers Varnoff.

As Wellington, Algy, Tommy and Joan prepare for the return trip, Wellington gets a kiss goodbye from Luana, which heats him so that steam rises when he jumps into the water.


"Outdated entertainment with relatively good song and dance numbers."

"Action is a normal practice that this film manages to avoid."

- Bosley Crowther : New York Times, August 27, 1942


The film premiered in the United States on August 7, 1942. In Germany it appeared for the first time on February 2, 1951, in Austria on July 16, 1948, among other things under the title Mach's exotic, not erotic .

With this film, the comedian duo returned to Universal Pictures after freelancing the comedy Rio Rita for MGM .

The vocal band The Ink Spots had a guest appearance in a yacht club scene and performed the songs Do I Worry and Shout, Brother, Shout .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Abbott and Costello under cannibals in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used , accessed December 13, 2011.
  2. ^ "Plot is a normal convention which this picture manages to avoid." - Review by the New York Times (English) , accessed on December 13, 2011.