Adalbert Schmücker

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Adalbert Schmücker OFM (born September 6, 1878 in Olsberg as Aloisius Schmücker , † August 8, 1927 in Tsingtau , China ) was a Roman Catholic bishop and Apostolic Vicar of Tsinanfu in China.


Schmücker was baptized in the name of Aloisius. When he joined the Order of the Franciscans (OFM) on August 15, 1896, shortly before his 18th birthday, he was given the name Adalbert . He took the simple religious vows in August 1897 and in August 1900 the perpetual vows as a member of the Saxon Franciscan Province ( Saxonia ). On August 14, 1905, after studying in Aachen, Düsseldorf and Paderborn, he was ordained a priest by Paderborn Bishop Wilhelm Schneider .

Schmücker then went to Tsingtau in China as a missionary , where Saxonia had taken over a mission area in 1904. In 1907 he was transferred to the northeast of Schantung and in 1909 to Lindja. In 1912 he moved to the seminary of Tsinan . In November 1914 Schmücker was appointed philosophy professor , in 1915 dogmatics professor and Regens  .

On August 19, 1920 he was by Pope Benedict XV. Appointed Vicar Apostolic of North Shantung and Titular Bishop of Elearchia .

On June 29, 1921, Schmücker was consecrated bishop in the cathedral of Tsinan-Hungkiaiou by the Apostolic Vicar of Südschantung , Augustin Henninghaus SVD . Cocon screechers were the Vicar Apostolic of Southeast Zhili , Henri Lécroart SJ , and the Apostolic Administrator of Ce-Li Marittimo , Jean de Vienne de Hautefeuille CM . On December 3, 1924, the vicariate was renamed Tsinanfu .

Schmücker died on August 5, 1927 in Tsingtau of complications from a heart disease and was buried eight days later in the mission cemetery in Tsinanfu.

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