Adenostemma brasilianum

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Adenostemma brasilianum
Family : Daisy family (Asteraceae)
Subfamily : Asteroideae
Tribe : Eupatorieae
Sub tribus : Adenostemmatinae
Genre : Adenostemma
Type : Adenostemma brasilianum
Scientific name
Adenostemma brasilianum
( Pers. ) Cass.

Adenostemma brasilianum is a species of the genus Adenostemma in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). It is called Cravinho-do-mato in Portuguese.


Adenostemma brasilianum is a one-year , herbaceous plant , the stature heights of 50 cm usually achieved rare only 30 cm to cm: 100. The opposite leaves are divided into the 2 to 6 cm long petiole and the leaf blade with a length of 11 to 21 cm (less often only 7 or up to 29 cm) and a width of 8.5 to 17 cm (less often only 4.5 or up to 19 cm). The leaf blade is oval to slightly triangular, almost heart-shaped at the base and pointed to long at the front end. The leaf blade runs down a short distance on the petiole. The leaf margin is serrated irregularly or with entire margins. The upper side of the leaf is sparsely hairy, the underside of the leaf is only hairy on the veins, otherwise bare. There are three leaf veins on the leaf blade.

The entire inflorescence is a cyme or an elongated thyrse . The diameter of the cup-shaped inflorescences is 3 to 4 mm. The standing in two rows overlapping at their base bracts are serrated with rounded tip and are bare, ciliated at the edge. The 2.5 to 2.7 mm long, hairy, white petals are tubularly fused with a slightly enlarged upper end. The two branches of the style are white and hairy below the fork. The achenes are obovate with a length of 2.4 to 2.7 and warty on the outside. They have a pappus with two, sometimes three with a shorter, club-shaped outgrowth.

The flowering period and fructification lasts from November to April. Pollination takes place via the wind ( anemophilia ).

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 20.


Adenostemma brasilianum occurs in Argentina , southern Brazil , Bolivia and Uruguay . It especially thrives on shady, damp forest edges.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Flora de São Bento do Sul
  2. a b c MD Moraes & R. Monteiro: A Família Asteraceae na Planície Litorânea de Picinguaba . In: Hoehnea , 33 (1), Ubatuba, São Paulo 2006, pp. 41-78, Figure 59.
  3. ^ Adenostemma brasilianum at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis