Adhemar Esquivel Kohenque

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Adhemar Esquivel Kohenque (born April 22, 1929 in Apolo , † July 17, 2013 in Tarija , Bolivia ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and bishop of Tarija .


Adhemar Esquivel Kohenque studied philosophy and theology at the “Ballivián” in La Paz and the Archbishop's Seminary “San Cristóbal”. He was ordained a priest on October 30, 1960 . He worked with Belgian fathers in Atocha. He was pastor of Tiahuanacu and later pastor of the parish of Jesús de Machaca in the southern highlands.

Pope Paul VI appointed him on November 11, 1968 auxiliary bishop in La Paz and titular bishop of Caere . The Pope personally donated to him on January 6, 1969 at St. Peter's Basilica , the episcopal ordination ; Co-consecrators were the Archbishops of the Curia, Sergio Pignedoli , Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples , and Ernesto Civardi , Secretary of the Congregation for Bishops .

On November 10, 1992 he was appointed coadjutor bishop of Tarija by Pope John Paul II . After retirement Abel Costas Montano October 20, 1995, he succeeded as Bishop of Tarija. On June 2, 2004, John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.

Adhemar Esquivel Kohenque spoke Aymara , one of the indigenous languages ​​of South America , and translated liturgical texts. He got involved with these tribes and trained deacons and seminarians together with the Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo and the Unidad Académica Campesina (UAC) .

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predecessor Office successor
Abel Costas Montaño Bishop of Tarija
Francisco Javier Del Río Sendino