Adolf Sternheim

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Adolf Sternheim (born September 14, 1871 in Aplerbeck near Dortmund , † April 19, 1950 in Ilten ) was a German persecuted by National Socialism and a philanthropist even before National Socialism and in the post-war period.

Grave of Adolf Sternheim and his daughter Ilse in the Lemgo Jewish cemetery
Naming of Lina Sternheim, wife of Adolf Sternheim, who died in Theresienstadt in 1943, at the Lemgo synagogue monument
Attribution of Berty and Martin Goldschmidt on the Lemgo synagogue monument. Berty Goldschmidt is Sternheim's daughter and died in Theresienstadt in 1943. Martin Goldschmidt is Sternheim's grandson. He was killed in Auschwitz in 1944.

life and work

Adolf Sternheim married Lina Goldstein, with whom he had two daughters, Berty and Ilse, and came to Lemgo in 1910 . He became co-owner of the grain and fodder business Sternheim and Archenhold.

He got involved in the synagogue community of Lemgo, of which he was a member in 1911, vice chairman from 1923 and chairman from 1924/25 to 1929 and from 1933. He was a representative of liberal Judaism. At the Israelite Congregation Day in 1932 he called for a more cautious use of Hebrew at funerals. A heated discussion with the traditionalists ensued, after which he resigned from the position of deputy chairman of the community day.

As a founding member, he was chairman of the volunteer warrior and medical column of the Red Cross Lemgo from 1911 to 1933 . In autumn 1933 he had to give up his business. At first he rented it out. There are various details about the year he gave up his business: 1935 in a confirmation from the Lemgo city director from 1947 or 1936 in. Since he had made some wealth as a merchant and owned a house, his house at Paulinenstrasse 5 became a "Jewish house" . The Jews Luise Backer, born in 1933, lived there next to his own family. Weinberg, Isaak Katz, Johanna Katz, b. Pins, Mathilde Lenzberg, b. Hagemann, Rosa Michaelis and Minna Ostwald, b. Bachmann. On July 28, 1942 he was deported to Theresienstadt (via Bielefeld) together with his wife and 20 other Jewish citizens of Lemgos ; his wife, older daughter Berty Goldschmidt and grandchild Martin Goldschmidt perished there. On June 21, 1945, Sternheim returned to his former home in Lemgo, Paulinenstrasse. 5 back.

Despite many persistent prejudices and resistance against Jews in the state of Lippe, Adolf Sternheim began to get involved politically and socially soon after his return to Lemgo. Adolf Sternheim became chairman of the Jewish religious association of the state of Lippe . In 1948 he compiled a list of the perished Jewish fellow citizens of Lippe, protested in 1946 with the Lippe state government against the distribution of Jewish refugees to the villages, gave political and social support to those returning from captivity or concentration camps, and also supported Karla Raveh , who had also returned to Lemgo and sat In 1947 he also supported the board of the regional association of Jewish communities in Westphalia-Lippe for the recognition of community members as Jews. In October 1948 a memorial service for the Nazi victims among the Lippe Jews was held in the Engelbert-Kaempfer-Gymnasium in Lemgo .

Sternheim was a co-founder of the FDP in the Lemgo district , was also a member of the VVN and organized one of the first memorial events for the victims of the Holocaust in Germany with others . In 1947 he was involved in the re-establishment of the local branch of the Red Cross. He died in Ilten on April 19, 1950. He is buried in Lemgo in the Jewish cemetery on Konsul-Wolf-Straße.


In Lemgo, two prizes are named after Sternheim and are awarded alternately every year. The city of Lemgo honors well - deserved personalities of the city with the Adolf Sternheim badge of honor . Ignatz Bubis awarded this to the Ellinger couple in 1998 for voluntary care of the Junker House . The first time in 2010 by the Sparkasse Lemgo donated Adolf Star Home Award is awarded associations, groups and organizations whose projects must be directly connected to volunteerism for Lemgo.


  • Short biography of Sternheim, available online on the website of the city of Lemgo
  • Article in the Lippische Landes-Zeitung from April 23, 2012 ( online )
  • Arie Goral-Sternheim Impressions from a Westphalian childhood ( online ; PDF; 77 kB) page 116 ff. From: A. Goral-Sternheim Jeckepotz. A Jewish-German Youth 1914-1933 , 2nd edition, Hamburg 1996
  • Ilse Drucker-Sternheim: Adolf Sternheim, 1871 - 1950 - founder of the medical column of the DRK Lemgo , In: Festschrift for the 75th anniversary of the DRK Lemgo Text editing: Stephan Frühauf. - Lemgo, 1986. - pp. 13-14: Ill.
  • Jürgen Hartmann: "Gnawed by the teeth of reform and indifferentism". On the religious orientation of the Jewish Lipper from the middle of the 19th to the 20th century. In: Rosenland - magazine for Lippe history. E-Journal No. 14, 2013, pp. 21-43. ( PDF ; 3.3 MB)

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Hartmann: “Gnawed by the teeth of reform and indifferentism”. On the religious orientation of the Jewish Lipper from the middle of the 19th to the 20th century. 2013, p. 39.
  2. Jürgen Hartmann: “Gnawed by the teeth of reform and indifferentism”. On the religious orientation of the Jewish Lipper from the middle of the 19th to the 20th century. 2013, p. 40.
  3. Article in the Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Red Cross celebrates its 100th birthday , 11./12. June 2011 ( Memento from October 20, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 817 kB)
  4. Hehner-Rügge, Karin: Script and photo for the invitation to the Sternheim honor, Lemgo, 2009, city archive.
  5. a b c d Persecuted persons during the Nazi era and their family members (persecution for racist reasons), Lemgo City Archives, version of January 27, 2012.
  6. a b Collection of materials 'Deportation of Jews 1939-1945' in the Lemgo City Archives.
  7. a b Karin Hehner-Rügge: Adolf Sternheim - a philanthropist , speech on the occasion of the award of the Sternheim badge of honor on August 14, 2009 ( memento of October 20, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 33 kB)
  8. see documentation by Wolfgang Müller (PDF; 74 kB) from: Stadt Detmold (ed.) Detmold in the post-war period. Documentation of an urban history project edit. by Wolfgang Müller, Hermann Niebuhr and Erhard Wiersing, Aisthesis Verlag , Bielefeld 1994, ISBN 3-925670-94-7
  9. cf. Wolfgang Müller 1994, note 34 with further references
  10. Pohlmann, Hanne and Klaus, Scheffler, Jürgen: Local memories in the shadow of the past. The memorial service for the Lippe Jews in Lemgo 1948, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld, 2009
  11. Raveh, Karla, Helene Rosenberg, 2003: Survival. The suffering of the Jewish Frenkel family from Lemgo, Forum Lemgo, Writings on City History, 5th edition, 2003.
  12. cf. Wolfgang Müller 1994, note 40
  13. Local memory in the shadow of the past - www.hexenbü .
  14., Lippische Landes-Zeitung: About the life of Adolf Sternheim / Drei Lemgoer summarize the biography of the Jewish citizen , April 23, 2012
  15. Selfless commitment recognized - Ignatz Bubis awarded the Ellinger Adolf-Sternheim-Ehrenamt-Nadel article in the Lippische Landes-Zeitung No. 51, 1998 listed in the regional documentation of the Lippische Landesbibliothek
  16. Text display .