Affonso Emilio de Alencastro Massot

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Affonso Emilio de Alencastro Massot (born October 9, 1944 in Rio de Janeiro ) is a former Brazilian diplomat .


Affonso Emilio de Alencastro Massot is the son of Estesia Pessanha Massot and Joâo Baptista de Alencastro. He completed the Curso Preparatório à Carreira Diplomática of the Rio Branco Institute on December 1, 1966 , studied law at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro on December 20, 1966 and the Curso de Práctia Diplomática e Consular des on January 1, 1967 Rio Branco Institutes . On March 3, 1967, he was appointed Secretary of the Third Class and on March 4, 1967, he was assigned to the Cooperação Intelectual Intelligence Service . On January 2, 1968, he was assigned to the Transportation and Communication Department. On January 4, 1969, he was assigned to the Office of the Minister of Transportation and Communications. On January 15, 1970 he was assigned to the legation in Rome , where he was appointed second class legation secretary on March 21, 1970. On May 15, 1970 he presented the study on Comunidades Européias at the Instituto Internacional de Administração Pública in Paris and Brussels as part of the Curso de Altos Estudos . From August 23, 1973 he was assigned to the Embassy in Bogotá , where he was appointed Secretary of the First Class on May 25, 1976 and received the Order of San Carlos on August 25, 1976 . On December 27, 1976, he was assigned to the embassy in Nairobi . On April 4, 1979, he was attached to the Africa, Asia and Oceania Division. On June 4, 1979 he was awarded the Ivory Coast Order of Merit .

On December 11, 1979, he was appointed Legation Councilor. On April 10, 1980 he led a delegation to Maputo , where he was accepted into the Order of Independence from Zimbabwe on April 18, 1980 . On February 10, 1981, he was awarded the orientation chair at the Rio Branco Institute. On May 12, 1981, he was decorated with the Medalha Mérito Tamandaré . On August 15, 1981, he became a delegation counselor at UN headquarters . On November 22, 1982 he presented the study: Africa Meridional Coordenação para a Independência Econômica e para o Desenvolvimento as part of the Cursos de Alto Estudios . Uma Nova Dimesâo da Luta de Libertação . On March 16, 1983, he headed the delegation to the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in Geneva . On August 28, 1996 he was accepted into the Legion of Honor . From February 20, 1999 to June 13, 2003 he was ambassador in The Hague . On April 20, 1999, he was appointed Permanent Representative of the Brazilian Government to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague. From July 9, 2003 to August 22, 2007, he was ambassador in Prague . From November 23, 2007 to March 30, 2010 he was ambassador to Athens .

Individual evidence

  1. Comissão de Relações Exteriores e Defesa Nacional (CRE) October 5, 2007, CRE vota indicações para embaixadas na Grécia e na Venezuela e organizações internacionais
  2. Mensagem Senado Federal , Nº 150 de 2007 cv ( Memento of January 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Vera Pedrosa Martíns de Almeida Ambassador to The Hague
Gilberto Vergne Sabóia
Sérgio Paulo Rouanet Ambassador to Prague
Leda Lúcia Martins Camargo
Mauro Mendes de Azeredo Ambassador to Athens
Oto Agripino Maia