Afram Plains District

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Afram Plains District
Location of the Afram Plains District
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Eastern region
Capital Donkorkrom
District shape common
District Chief Executive Solomon Yaw Fordjour
surface 3,559 km²
population 135,926 (2002)
Population density 38 Ew. / km²
ISO 3166-2 GH-EP-AP

The Afram Plains District is located in the Eastern Region of Ghana . It was formed by presidential decree by the then military dictator Jerry Rawlings in 1988 by dividing the former Kwahu district. Chief executive of the 3,559 km² district with 135,926 (2002) inhabitants is Solomon Yaw Fordjour . This district is the northernmost of the Eastern Region and, in terms of area, it is by far the largest district, although it is rather sparsely populated.

Population and geography

The population lives in 544 localities, most of which are located on islands in the Volta Reservoir , which covers a large part of the area of ​​the district. Only the settlements in Donkorkrom , Tease and Ekye Amanfrom have more than 5000 inhabitants. Mainly members of the Akan and Ewe peoples live in the district .

The entire district is located between 60 meters and 120 meters above sea level. Only the Donkorkrom Plateau is up to 120 meters high. The district is traversed by the Afram rivers in the west, Volta in the east and Obosom in the north. Especially Afram and Volta also serve the population as important waterways and fishing grounds.



The Afram Plains District has been divided into two constituencies. In the constituency of Afram Plains North, Joseph Tsatsu Agbenu was elected by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) as a direct candidate in the Ghanaian parliament . For the constituency of Afram Plains South, Raphael Kofi Ahaligah also entered parliament for the NDC.

See also

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