Agathis orbicula

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Agathis orbicula
Class : Coniferopsida
Order : Conifers (Coniferales)
Family : Araucarias (Araucariaceae)
Genre : Kauri trees ( Agathis )
Section : Agathis
Type : Agathis orbicula
Scientific name
Agathis orbicula
de foliage.

Agathis orbicula is a species ofthe Araucaria family (Araucariaceae). It is endemic to the island of Borneo .


Agathis orbicula grows as an evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 40 meters. The dark brown trunk bark flakes off in irregularly shaped plates and shows some scattered lenticels . The inner bark has a grainy surface and is reddish brown in color. The resin is yellowish.

Young leaves stand on a short petiole and are around 6.5 centimeters long and 2.8 centimeters wide, rounded with a pointed tip end. Older leaves also have a short petiole and are oval to circular in shape with a length of 2.4 to 3.6 centimeters and a width of 1.2 to 2.4 centimeters. The end of the leaf is pointed, but has a blunt tip. The underside of the leaf is colored blue-green.

The male cones have a 0.2 to 0.3 centimeter long stem and are oval to cylindrical in shape with a length of 9 to 14 centimeters and a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 centimeters. The elliptical female cones are about 7 inches long and 4.5 inches thick. They consist of scale-like, later elliptical cone scales.

Distribution and location

The natural range of Agathis orbicula is on the island of Borneo, which belongs to the Malay Archipelago . It includes five deposits in the two Malay states of Sabah and Sarawak and two in the Indonesian province of Kalimantan Timur .

The species thrives at altitudes of 450 to 1050 meters. It grows scattered in rainforests and kerangas on low mountains and plateaus.

Agathis orbicula is classified as "critically endangered" in the IUCN Red List . Overexploitation, which exceeds the natural regeneration rate of the species, is mentioned as the main endangerment factor. The total stock is considered to be in decline.


Agathis orbicula is assigned to the Agathis section within the genus of the Kauri trees ( Agathis ) .

It was first described as Agathis orbicula in 1979 by David John de Laubenfels in Blumea , Volume 25, Number 2, Page 540.


The wood of Agathis orbicula is considered valuable and is used.


  • Christopher J. Earle: Agathis orbicula. In: The Gymnosperm Database., November 28, 2012, accessed on September 13, 2014 (English).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Christopher J. Earle: Agathis orbicula. In: The Gymnosperm Database., November 28, 2012, accessed on September 13, 2014 (English).
  2. a b c agathis orbicula in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2014 Posted by: A. Farjon, 2012. Accessed September 13, 2014.
  3. Agathis orbicula at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed September 13, 2014.
  4. Agathis orbicula. In: The Plant List., accessed on September 13, 2014 (English).