Agustín de Jesús Torres y Hernandez

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Agustín de Jesús Torres y Hernandez CM (born July 23, 1818 in San Martín Alfajayucan , Hidalgo , Mexico , † September 29, 1889 in Tulancingo ) was a Mexican religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Tulancingo .


Agustín de Jesús Torres y Hernandez joined the Congregation of the Vincentians at and received on 11 June 1842, the sacrament of Holy Orders . He studied Catholic theology and philosophy at the Seminario Conciliar de México in Mexico City .

On November 18, 1881 Pope Leo XIII appointed him . to the first bishop of Tabasco . The Archbishop of Mexico City , Pelagio Antonio de Labastida y Dávalos , donated to him on February 19, 1882 in the Cathedral Señor de Tabasco in Villahermosa , the episcopal ordination . On July 30, 1885 Leo XIII appointed him. to the bishop of Tulancingo.

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predecessor Office successor
... Bishop of Tabasco
Perfecto Amézquita y Gutiérrez CM
Juan Bautista de Ormeachea y Ernáez Bishop of Tulancingo
José María Armas y Rosales