Al Lettieri

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Al Lettieri (born February 24, 1928 in New York City , New York , USA , † October 18, 1975 there ) was an American actor of Italian descent.


Al Lettieri's sister Jean was married to Pasquale Eboli, a mafioso and brother of the head of the Genovese family, Thomas Eboli . Before Lettieri took on his first film role at the age of 36, he had worked for a long time as an actor, writer and director in the theater . In 1971 he co-wrote the screenplay for Villain, starring Richard Burton .

Because of his stature and physiognomy , he often played mafia bosses and hit men . His most famous role is that of the gangster Virgil Sollozzo in the movie The Godfather . He later cemented his image as an antagonist to the likes of Steve McQueen in Getaway , Charles Bronson in The Law Me, and John Wayne in McQ Strikes .

Lettieri died of a heart attack at the age of 47 .

Films (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mark Seal. Meadow Soprano on Line One! . In: Vanity Fair , February 26, 2009. Retrieved October 18, 2015