Alain Rickenbacher

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Alain Rickenbacher (born March 25, 1945 in Geneva ; † March 25, 2015 ) was a Swiss corps commander .


After graduating from high school, Rickenbacher studied mathematics and physics at the University of Geneva . In 1973 he joined the infantry instruction corps . This was followed by assignments at a total of three recruit schools, as well as a longer assignment to the US Fort Benning in 1981/1982.

In 1990 he became commander of the motorized infantry schools in Bière , one year later commander of the infantry schools in Colombier NE and in 1992 commander of the infantry officers' school in Chamblon . From 1993 to 1995 he was Brigadier Chief of Staff of Field Army Corps 1 . In preparation for his later use, he was assigned to the Chief of Staff and to a study visit to the United States, while he previously  commanded the 10th Fusilier Battalion and the 3rd Infantry Regiment. With the rank of brigadier he was in command of the General Staff School and in his last military assignment from January 1, 2001 in command of Field Army Corps 1 (FAK 1). Rickenbacher was prematurely retired on December 31, 2003 as part of a general personnel measure to reduce the number of troops.

Rickenbacher was married and the father of a daughter and a son.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Personal details of the senior staff officers entrusted with new posts on January 1, 1997 , DDPS press release, January 1, 1997.
  2. ^ Adoption of Corps Commander Jean Abt , DDPS press release, November 16, 2000.
  3. Luc Fellay new commander of the army - the Federal Council appoints top cadres of the Army XXI ( memento of August 23, 2004 in the Internet Archive ), Neue Zürcher Zeitung, No. 145, June 26, 2003.
  4. ^ Conseil d'Etat - Nomination d'un commandant de corps genevois ( Memento of 7 July 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (French).