Albert Griessmeyer

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Albert Christof Gottlieb Eugen Grießmeyer (born November 20, 1879 in Ansbach , † March 30, 1967 in Munich ) was a German administrative lawyer and ministerial official . From 1931 to 1937 he was the last president of the Reich Insurance Company for Salaried Employees (RfA).


After studying law and doing military service , Grießmeyer traveled to China and on February 6, 1907, received his first non-budgetary position as a director assessor at the directorate Kiautschou . From August 1, 1908, his employment was also regular. On December 14, 1912, he was given the character of a director's council. From September 27, 1913 it was also carried out as such. At that time he was the deputy head of the Kiautschou directorate. When the First World War broke out , Grießmeyer was deployed as a first lieutenant in the reserve in the staff of the governorate in Tsingtau . After the Siege of Tsingtao and the capture of the city by Japanese forces semolina Meyer came in Japanese captivity . In December 1919 he was released and returned to Germany. Grießmeyer then worked for the Reichsversicherungsanstalt für salary in Berlin and became its third and last president on February 13, 1931. From January 1, 1935, he was also the sole manager.

Although Jewish doctors were banned from practicing from 1933 and all non-German doctors had to be dismissed from the RfA from August 1, 1933, some Jewish doctors remained in the service of the RfA under Grießmeyer's presidency. Grießmeyer was sued for a special case in which a Jewish pulmonologist had treated a beneficiary. The charges were dropped in 1936 due to lack of evidence. On April 26, 1933 he joined the NSDAP (1935-1936 temporary exclusion), he also became an SS member ( Scharführer ).


Grießmeier married Elisabeth Adele Hering (* 1882 in Nuremberg ) in July 1907 . While he was a prisoner of war, his wife stayed in Shanghai , where she died on October 1, 1915. After returning to Germany in December 1920, Grießmeyer married Elly Wanda Plattner (1883–1967).


Practical advice

During his time as president of the Reichsversicherungsanstalt, Grießmeyer published a number of publications with practical information on insurance topics. For example:

  • The old-age pension of the master craftsman , together with Felix Schüler. Social Policy News Service, 1939.
  • as publisher: monthly for workers and employees insurance . Springer publishing house. Berlin.

more publishments

  • 25 years of employee insurance 1913-1937. Preface to the Festschrift . Otto Elsner Verlag. Berlin, 1937.


Web links

  • Short biography of Albert Grießmeyer. In: Tsingtau and Japan 1914-1920 - Historically Biographical Project. Retrieved March 23, 2016 .
  • Albert Grießmeyer's curriculum vitae on the website of the Independent Historical Commission for Research into the History of the Reich Ministry of Labor 1933–1945

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred C. Mierzejewski: A History of the German Public Pension System: Continuity amid Change . Rowman & Littlefield. 2016. ISBN 978-1-4985-2117-8 . Page 137.
  2. Ulrike Henschel: Mediator of the law: legal publishers from the late Enlightenment to the early post-war period . Walter de Gruyter. 2015. ISBN 978-3-11-042095-1 .
  3. ^ Hans-Dietrich Kaiser, Wilhelm Buchge and Heinz Sarkowski (eds.): Der Springer-Verlag: Catalog of His Publications 1842–1945 . Springer publishing house. Berlin, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-17470-4 .