Albert Lauscher

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Albert Lauscher

Albert Lauscher (born February 18, 1872 in Roetgen ; † May 23, 1944 in Bonn ) was a German Catholic priest, high school teacher, professor of theology and center party politician .


After attending elementary school and the Kaiser-Karls-Gymnasium in Aachen , Lauscher studied Catholic theology at the University of Bonn and attended the seminary in Cologne . He was ordained a priest in 1897. From 1897 he was chaplain at the Church of St. Gertrud in Essen , worked as a pastor and in 1900 became chaplain at St. Gereon in Cologne. In Munster doctorate eavesdropper 1902 Dr. theol. From 1904 he was a religion teacher at the grammar school in Borbeck near Essen and from 1908 at the Friedrich Wilhelm grammar school in Cologne. In 1917 Lauscher was appointed full professor for moral theology at the University of Bonn.

Lauscher worked for several scientific journals and published a number of writings. Among other things, he wrote about Archbishop Bruno II and Friedrich Nietzsche and wrote a history of the theological faculty in Bonn.

Politically, Lauscher belonged to the Center Party. For this he was from 1919 to 1921 a member of the Prussian State Constitutional Assembly . From then until 1933 he was a member of the Prussian state parliament . In the parliamentary group and the party as a whole, he was one of the leading experts on school policy. In contrast to large parts of the party, he did not fully insist on the denominational school, but was ready for various reasons to recognize secular schools as well. In the last parliament of 1933 he was parliamentary group leader of his party. From 1920 to 1924 Lauscher was also a member of the Reichstag .

With the Reich Concordat concluded at the beginning of National Socialist rule , Lauscher had to withdraw from politics because of his priesthood. In 1934 he was dismissed as a professor and retired early.


Publications (selection)

  • Archbishop Bruno II of Cologne. A contribution to the history of the Archdiocese of Cologne . Bachem, Cologne 1903.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche. Critical Studies . Fredebeul & Koenen, Essen 1908.
  • The Catholic-theological faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität zu Bonn. 1818-1918 . Schwann, Düsseldorf 1920.


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