Alberta by Maytner

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Alberta by Maytner
Signature of Alberta von Maytner under her pseudonym Margarethe Halm

Alberta von Maytner , b. Wilhelm, ad. Kestranek (born April 8, 1835 in Neu-Sandez , † July 14, 1898 in Vienna ) was an Austrian writer. She also published under the pseudonyms Margarethe Halm , A. v. Sandec and Paul Andow .


Maytner was born as the daughter of the later state school supervisor Andreas Ritter von Wilhelm († 1887) in Neu-Sandez at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains , where she also spent her early childhood. The family later moved to Tarnów . Here Maytner attended a Polish-French school before the family moved to Troppau . In Opava, Maytner was also taught German.

In 1855 Maytner married the kk artillery lieutenant Peter Kestřanek; the marriage had two children. Kestřanek died in 1858, so Maytner moved with her children to her parents in Krakow . The second marriage, from 1860 with the kk artillery lieutenant and later major general Josef von Maytner (1836-1914), ended in 1865 with the separation; the divorce was officially announced in 1878. As a mother of three, Maytner went back to her parents, who had settled in Brno . She later moved with them to Graz , where she began to write. At that time she was in correspondence with numerous naturalist writers , such as Hermann Conradi (1862–1890), and became “an early leading figure” for them. In the years 1886 and 1887, her son and father died - "two losses that hit them hard and alienated them from the world for a long time."

Alberta grave by Maytner

Shortly after 1887 Maytner moved to Vienna (last address: Wien- Währing , Türkenschanzstrasse 3), where she began to write again and died in 1898 after long and serious suffering . Alberta von Maytner was last buried in Vienna's central cemetery since September 17, 1971 (group 3, row 2, number 87A).


  • Women's papers. ( Periodical , 1871/72)
  • Weather lights. Sketches and essays. Hartknoch, Leipzig 1877.
  • From the thorn hedge. Metaphysical poems by Margarethe Halm. Heinze, Dresden (1882)
  • On quiet heights (novel, 1885)
  • A female Prometheus. Love novel from the present. By Margarethe Halm. 3 parts. Cöthen, Leipzig 1885.
  • The ridicule poem. Comedy in one act. Hausbuch-Verlag, Nordhausen 1889.
  • Woman Holdings Heart. A family story. Novel. Pierson, Dresden / Leipzig 1895.
  • From the tree of life. Fantasies of an idealist. Literary Institute, Leipzig 1896.
  • The love of the superman. A new law of life. Letters to a friend. By Margarethe Halm. Spohr, Leipzig 1897.


  • V. Hanus:  Maytner Alberta from. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 6, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1975, ISBN 3-7001-0128-7 , p. 171 f. (Direct links on p. 171 , p. 172 ).
  • Heinrich Groß (Hrsg.): German female poets and writers in words and pictures . Volume 2. Fr. Thiel, Berlin 1885, pp. 453-462.
  • Halm, Margarethe . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 308 ( digitized version ).
  • Maytner, Mrs. Alberta v. . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 2. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 27 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Eduard Hassenberger (Hrsg.): Austrian Kaiser-Jubiläums-Dichterbuch. 50 Years of Austrian Literature 1848–1898 . Eduard Hassenberger, Vienna 1899, p. 79.
  • Hermann Conradi: love confession. Twelve letters and two postcards to Margarethe Halm . Kayser, Eisenach 1909.
  • Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present . Volume 4. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1913, pp. 407f.
  • Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. A lexicon . Repertories on German literary history, Volume 9, ZDB -ID 503707-4 . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-476-00456-2 , p. 201.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eva Maria Siegel: High Fidelity - Configurations of Loyalty around 1900 . Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn 2004, ISBN 3-7705-3906-0 , p. 87.
  2. ^ Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present . Volume 4. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1913, p. 408.
  3. Maytner Alberta v. . In: Lehmann's general apartment indicator . XL. Volume 2.Holder, Vienna 1898, p. 730, top left.
  4. Little Chronicle. (...) † Margarethe Halm. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Abendblatt, No. 12174/1898, July 15, 1898, p. 1, bottom center. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp.
  5. No copy can be found

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