Alberto Cevenini

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Alberto Cevenini (* around 1935 ; † August 16, 1975 in Rome ) was an Italian actor with a short career.

Cevenini, the nephew of the song interpreter Elisabetta Barbato, studied acting at the Accademia nazionale d'arte drammatica , from which he graduated with a diploma. After his first engagements on stage, for example in 1959 alongside Tina Pica in the comedy Giacomina e la suocera , in which he played Luigino, the male part of the young lovers, and in photo novels , he made his debut on screen in 1961 in Piero Costa's Rising of the Mercenaries . By 1967 he played a considerable number of roles in historical and spy films as well as spaghetti westerns . The tall actor with sharp facial features often used the pseudonym Kirk Bert . Cevenini was also seen in television engagements.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. various editions of the Radiocorriere TV