Tina Pica

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Tina Pica , origin. Concetta Annunziata Pica , (born March 31, 1884 in Naples , † July 16, 1968 in Naples-Vomero ) was an Italian actress .


Born in the Neapolitan district of Borgo Sant'Antonio Abate, Concetta "Tina" Annunziata Pica began acting as a young girl and took her first steps on the stage of the Teatro S. Ferdinando in her hometown. After her appearance in "Il cerinaio della ferrovia" she was put on duty as a teenager, initially as a member of the Compania Stella. Her hollow, deep voice and the rather austere appearance meant that Tina Pica was also allowed to play Hamlet in a version in the Neapolitan dialect. She later joined the stage troupes of the brothers Eduardo and Peppino De Filippo ('Il teatro umoristico dei De Filippo') for about a decade and a half and eventually became a popular actress with some popularity in southern Italy. In 1938 Tina Pica became a partner in her own theater group.

Tina Pica in the movie Grandmother Sabella

The actress started filming relatively late, her career in front of the camera only took shape after the Second World War, when Tina Pica was given a plethora of supporting roles in entertainment films - mostly comedies and comedies, but also some dramas and melodramas. Mostly they were seen as down-to-earth, vocal and spirited mothers and grandmothers, but also as bigoted Catholic and old-age pangs of pains, often alongside popular 1950s stars like Sophia Loren , Alberto Sordi , Gina Lollobrigida , Vittorio de Sica and Giovanna Ralli .

Towards the end of her film career, the elderly artist who was considered non-conformist was also given some leading roles. So one saw Tina Pica z. B. as the combative grandmother Sabella in the production of the same name from 1957 and two years later as the eponymous female sheriff in the western parody " Tina cleans up ", but also in other not exactly demanding B-productions such as " Arriva la zia d'America" , “La pica sul Pacifico ” and Mia nonna poliziotto ”. Tina Pica ended her cinematic activities again in 1963 with the role of an energetic and determined grandmother, once again at the side of her frequent companion Sophia Loren.

The artist, now widowed and believed to be deeply religious, spent the last years of her life in the house of her nephew Giuseppe in the Neapolitan district of Vomero, where she mainly devoted herself to prayer (in her own small chapel) and cooking. In Rome, a street (Via Tina Pica) was named after her, and in Tina Pica's hometown of Naples, a public garden was named in her honor.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1916: Ciccio, il pizzaiuolo del Carmine
  • 1916: Carmela, la sartina di Montesanto
  • 1933: Il delitto di San Giovanni a Teduccio
  • 1934: Il has a tre punte
  • 1937: Fermo con le mani
  • 1939: Terra di nessuno
  • 1947: Sperduto nel buio
  • 1948: Raid in Naples (Proibito rubare)
  • 1949: Fiamme sulla laguna
  • 1950: Il voto
  • 1951: Destino
  • 1951: Filumena Marturano
  • 1951: Porca miseria
  • 1952: The seven main sins (Les sept pechés capitaux)
  • 1952: The Song of Treason (Processo alla città)
  • 1952: Ergastolo
  • 1953: Bread, Love and Fantasy (Pane, amore e fantasia)
  • 1953: Rimorso
  • 1953: Carousel Naples (Carosello napoletano)
  • 1954: The Gold of Naples (L'oro di Napoli)
  • 1954: Love, Bread and Jealousy (Pane, amore e gelosia)
  • 1954: The girls from the remote office 04 (Le signore delle 04)
  • 1954: The beggar of Notre Dame (Le due orfanelle)
  • 1954: In the sign of Venus (Il segno di Venere)
  • 1955: Graziella
  • 1955: love, bread and 1000 kisses (Pane, amore e ...)
  • 1955: Reunion on Capri ( Un po 'di cielo )
  • 1956: The mink coat (Una pellicca di visone)
  • 1956: Father against his will (Era di venerdi 17)
  • 1957: A hero of our days (Un eroe di nostri tempi)
  • 1957: Castles in the air (Il conte Max)
  • 1957: Grandmother Sabella (La nonna Sabella)
  • 1958: Mia nonna poliziotto
  • 1958: Don Vesuvio and the house of the rascals (Il bacio del sole)
  • 1959: La duchessa di Santa Lucia
  • 1959: Tina cleans up (La sceriffa)
  • 1961: Che femmina! ... e che dolori
  • 1963: Yesterday, today and tomorrow (Ieri, oggi, domani)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ I giardini "Tina Pica" on ondazzurra.com

Web links

Commons : Tina Pica  - Collection of Images