Albrecht Bohnenblust

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Albrecht Bohnenblust (born January 21, 1770 in Aarburg ; † November 7, 1841 there ; authorized to live in Aarburg) was a Swiss politician and judge . From 1831 until his death he was a member of the government of the Canton of Aargau .


The son of the shoemaker Hans Georg Bohnenblust worked as a notary in the 1790s, when Aarburg was still in the subject area of ​​the Bernese Aargau . He also owned a shop and a small manufacturing company. After the proclamation of the Helvetic Republic in April 1798, he became a member of the Aarburg municipality and shortly afterwards was its president. From 1803 he headed the community as mayor until seven years later he resumed his work as a notary and also acted as town clerk .

Bohnenblust was a district judge in Zofingen from 1816 to 1830 , then an appeal judge in Aarau until 1831 . He was also politically active at the cantonal level. From 1808 to 1841 he was a member of the Grand Council (with a short break in 1814/15) . He elected him to the cantonal government in 1831, where he chaired the billing and poor commission. Bohnenblust died in office; in contemporary reports he is described as a politician with no special charisma.


  • Biographical Lexicon of the Canton of Aargau 1803–1957 . In: Historical Society of the Canton of Aargau (Ed.): Argovia . tape 68/69 . Verlag Sauerländer, Aarau 1958, p. 87-88 .

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