Aldo Pierantoni (diplomat)

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Italian Ambassador to Israel Aldo Peirantoni presented Zalman Shazar with his certificates in 1964

Aldo Pierantoni (born January 30, 1911 in Brescia ; † unknown) was an Italian diplomat .

He was the son of Cesare Pierantoni and studied at the University of Genoa .


From November 1936 to March 1938 he was Vice Consul in Zurich . From March to November 1938 he was Italian Vice Consul in Djibouti for British Somaliland . From May 1940 to October 1941 he was the third class legation secretary in Bucharest . In 1945 he was Secretary of the Embassy in Tunis . From April 1945 to March 1950 he was second class legation secretary in Paris . From March 1950 to September 1952 he was first class legation secretary in Belgrade . From June 1955 to September 1956 he had exequatur as consul general in Rabat . From September 1956 to November 1956 he was counselor in Rabat. From September 1956 to August 1958 he had exequatur as consul general in Barcelona . In early May 1959 he was the head of the Western Europe department in the Italian Foreign Ministry.

In 1962 he headed the Department of Politics in the Foreign Ministry. On October 12, 1962, Senator Umberto Terracini asked the government of Amintore Fanfani about the extradition prospects of Kurt Leibbrand . Pierantoni agreed with Defense Minister Giulio Andreotti as the owner of the files on the subject of "Italian foreign workers in the sphere of influence of the German Reich" to ignore the request. Aldo Pierantoni replied on January 5, 1963: “After consulting the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spoke about the conflict with Admiral Tagliamento, Andreotti's chief of staff, and declared his concern about avoiding a new beginning of an Italian-German polemic. He asked me to consider the letter as not received. So we don't answer. "

From February 1963 to February 1964 he was Deputy Director General of the Politics Department.

From March 1967 to March 1969 he was ambassador to Tel Aviv .

From January 18, 1971 to September 20, 1975 he was ambassador to Pretoria and was simultaneously accredited in Lesotho and Swaziland .

predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Revedin Di San Martino Italian Ambassador to Tel Aviv
Giuseppe Walter Maccotta
Alberto Paveri Fontana di Fontana Pradosa Italian Ambassador to Pretoria
Giuseppe Meschinelli

Individual evidence

  1. Memoria de los trábajos realizados, Cámara Oficial de Comercio y Navegación de Barcelona, ​​Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Barcelona, ​​1954, p. 343
  2. Commissione parlamentare di inchiesta sulle cause dell'occultamento di fascicoli relativi a crimini nazifascisti, [1]
  3. Who's Who of Southern Africa, Argus Printing & Publishing Company, 1972, [2] [3] pp. 773 14/646