Alessandro Maffei

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Memorial plaque for Alessandro Maffei in Munich

Alessandro Ferdinando Francesco Marchese di Maffei (born October 3, 1662 in Verona , † January 5, 1730 in Munich ) was a general in the Bavarian army .


Alessandro Maffei was the son of Marchese Giovanfrancesco Maffei and Silvia Countess Pellgrini and brother of the scholar Scipione Maffei . His mother obtained his admission at the Bavarian court, where Elector Ferdinand Maria ruled with his wife Henriette Adelaide of Savoy . At the age of nine he traveled to Munich and from then on went to the pagerie . Since he grew up in close company with the future Elector Max Emanuel , a strong lifelong relationship of trust developed.

Alessandro Maffei made a career in the army, participated in the end of the Second Turkish Siege of Vienna in 1683 and in the storming of Belgrade in 1688 . In 1686 he became a constable and electoral chamberlain . Meanwhile in 1689 to lieutenant colonel appointed, he fell in the Nine Years War for a year and half in French captivity .

In 1695 Maffei was promoted to colonel. In the following year he was given a regiment that was 4,000 to 5,000 men strong ("Regiment Maffei").

After the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession , he became sergeant general in 1703 . On April 8, 1703 he received the keys to the imperial city of Regensburg on the Stone Bridge . In 1704 he was Commendant of the Churfürstl. Capital and residence city of Munich . In the same year he also took part in the Battle of Schellenberg . After the defeat, he had to monitor the demobilization of the Bavarian army until he followed his commander and confidante Max Emanuel into exile. In 1710 he became Lieutenant General Field Marshal . In 1717 he contributed significantly to the renewed capture of Belgrade , for which he was supported by Emperor Charles VI. was appointed Imperial Field Marshal Lieutenant.

In the same year he married Maria Ursula Marquardi. In 1719 he retired, wrote a military work and was still busy with the reorganization of his former regiment.


Individual evidence

  1. Memorie, nelle quali esatta descrizione di molte famose azioni militari de prossimi tempi viene a comprendersi . Jacopo Vallarsi, Verona 1737.