Alexander Heubel

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Alexander Heubel , Self-Portrait, 1846, Latvian National Art Museum

Alexander Heubel , also Aleksandre Gejbel (born April 9, 1813 in Lemsal , Livonia Gouvernement , Russian Empire , † January 22, 1847 in Riga ), was a German-Baltic history and portrait painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Moses, Aaron and Hur , 1837, Latvian National Art Museum

Heubel, son of the woodcarver August Gotthilf Heubel (1760–1846) and his wife Juliane Marie, née Geywitz († 1831), went to Riga with his parents in 1819, where the family lived until 1827. Then they moved to Dorpat . He received his first artistic instruction from his father, and in Riga from the portrait painter Georg Heinrich Büttner (1799–1879). Supported by the Riga businessman and art lover Friedrich Wilhelm Brederlo Heubel 1832 was together with Johann Karl Bähr the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden visit. In 1834 he moved to the Düsseldorf Art Academy , where he was taught by Eduard Bendemann , Wilhelm Schadow and Theodor Hildebrandt until 1840 . The painting Moses, Aaron and Hur , in which Moses implored victory over the Amalekites ( Ex 17  EU ) , was created as a major work in Düsseldorf in 1837, based on a theme from the Book of Moses .

In the autumn of 1840 Heubel moved to Rome with his Düsseldorf friend Ludwig Haach , where he stayed until around 1845 and took part in the “ Cervaro festivals ” of the Ponte Molle Society . Commissioned by the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna , he created the painting The Three Men in the Fiery Furnace in Rome , a representation of the Old Testament story about the religious steadfastness of the Hebrews Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego . He then stayed temporarily in Dresden , where a portrait of the painter Theobald von Oer was painted around 1845 , and in Saint Petersburg . Suffering from "consumption" ( tuberculosis ), he returned to Riga in 1845. His sponsor Brederlo welcomed him to his home. His self-portrait was created there in 1846. He passed away soon after at the age of only 33.

Heubel is assigned to the mainstream of the Düsseldorf School of Painting, inspired by romantic and Nazarene ideals. His painting is mainly shown in the Latvian National Art Museum in Riga.


  • Rudolf Wiegmann : The Royal Art Academy in Düsseldorf. Their history, furnishings and effectiveness and the Düsseldorf artists . Verlag der Buddeus'schen Buch- und Kunsthandlung, Düsseldorf 1856, p. 200.
  • Heubel, Alexander . In: Friedrich von Boetticher : painter works of the nineteenth century. Contribution to art history . Volume I, Dresden 1895, p. 523.
  • Wilhelm Neumann : Baltic painters and sculptors of the XIX. Century . Graphic arts institutions by A. Grosset, Riga 1902, pp. 51–53.
  • Heubel, Alexander . In: Wilhelm Neumann (Hrsg.): Lexicon of Baltic artists . Jonck & Poliewsky Publishing House, Riga 1908, p. 67.
  • Thieme-Becker , Volume XVII (1924), p. 1.

Web links

Commons : Alexander Heubel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bettina Baumgärtel , Sabine Schroyen, Lydia Immerheiser, Sabine Teichgröb: Directory of foreign artists. Nationality, residence and studies in Düsseldorf . In: Bettina Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting and its international impact 1819–1918 . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 1, p. 432
  2. See nos. 5498–5504 in the finding aid 212.01.04 Student lists of the Düsseldorf Art Academy , website in the portal ( North Rhine-Westphalia State Archive )
  3. ^ Friedrich Noack : The Germanness in Rome since the end of the Middle Ages . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1927, Volume 2, p. 261