Alexander I of Velen

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Alexander I von Velen (* 1556 ; † 1630 ) was canon and court marshal in the prince-bishopric of Münster, imperial colonel and official rescuer in Wolbeck.


Origin and family

Alexander von Velen came as the son of Hermann von Velen and his wife Maria (Margaretha) von Morrien (1523–1596) of the Westphalian noble family von Velen and had siblings among others

  • Adrian (around 1540-after 1594, Canon in Münster)
  • Hermann (1544–1611, Court Marshal and Landdrost)
  • Johannes (1556–1616, canon in Münster and district administrator)
  • Reiner († 1561, cathedral vicar, vice-dominus) and the canons Elisabeth, Sophia, Anna and Agnes.

Alexander was married to Agnes von Leerodt († 1624). The children Alexander (1599–1675, Imperial General Field Marshal), Ernst († 1627, Canon in Münster), Maria (1601–1624) and Agnes Alexandrine emerged from the marriage .


On June 2, 1575, Alexander took possession of the prebende that his brother Hermann held. 1587 renounced it in this sinecure . On March 6, 1604, he was appointed to the office of Drosten in Wolbeck, followed by the appointment of Drosten in Sassenberg on November 29, 1607. He was court marshal of the prince-bishop . In the Turkish wars , Alexander was able to distinguish himself in the service of the emperor , so that in 1628 the emperor raised the family to the status of imperial baron.


Alexander's father acquired Raesfeld Castle from the inheritance claims of his mother Margaretha von Raesfeld . He received this estate as an inheritance, while his brother Hermann inherited the old family seat in Velen . Alexander's son of the same name was successful as an Imperial Field Marshal in the Thirty Years' War . He had Raesfeld Castle rebuilt into a residential palace and in 1641 received the hereditary dignity of imperial count .


  • Wilhelm Kohl : The cathedral monastery of St. Paul in Münster , vol. 2 (= Germania Sacra , NF 17.2: The dioceses of the church province of Cologne. The diocese of Münster ). de Gruyter, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-11-008508-9 , p. 628.

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