Alexander Nikolajewitsch Miklaschewski

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Alexander Nikolajewitsch Miklaschewski

Alexander Nikolayevich Miklaschewski ( Russian Александр Николаевич Миклашевский ; born December 8 jul. / 20th December  1864 greg. In Ujesd Chernigov ; † August 24 jul. / 6. September  1911 greg. In Tartu ) was a Ukrainian - Russian political economist and university lecturer .


Miklaschewski came from a noble family and graduated from Chernigov grammar school with a gold medal. In 1883 he began studying at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University . After the first course, he moved to law faculty, where he graduated in 1888 as a candidate for law . For his history of assignats in Russia he received the gold medal, which was combined with a two-year scholarship abroad . After his return he defended his master’s dissertationon the basics of classical economic theory in connection with the history of money , after which he was appointed private lecturer . He now worked in the Ministry of Finance and took part in the work for the monetary reform 1895-1897 with the introduction of the gold standard.

In 1896, Miklaschewski was appointed as an associate professor to the chair for political economy at the University of Dorpat . For the first time he translated into Russian the classical works of political economy by Anne Robert Jacques Turgot , David Ricardo and François Quesnay . He also translated the writings of John Kells Ingrams and Thomas Robert Malthus . In 1904 he defended his doctoral thesis on the exchange of goods and political economy.

Miklaschewski's work topics included the question of money and the role of paper money in the economy , labor value and the theory of differential profits, the social question also with regard to social legislation in Germany , strikes and arbitration procedures . He also wrote articles for the Brockhaus-Efron - Encyclopedia , including the article about the first Russian political economist Ivan Tichonowitsch Possoschkow .

Miklaschewski's older brother was the historian and economist Ivan Nikolajewitsch Miklaschewski .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Юридическая Россия: Александр Николаевич Миклашевский December 8, 1864 to January 1, 1911 (accessed November 6, 2018).
  2. a b Миклашевский (Александр Николаевич) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XIX , 1896, p. 166-167 ( Wikisource [accessed November 6, 2018]).
  3. Русская история в портрете: Миклашевский Александр Николаевич (accessed November 6, 2018).
  4. Большая российская энциклопедия: МИКЛАШЕ́ВСКИЙ Александр Николаевич (accessed November 6, 2018).
  5. Miklaschewski AN: Деньги: опыт изучения основных положений экономической теории классической школы ... Университетская тип, Moscow 1895 (. [accessed on November 6, 2018]).
  6. Miklaschewski TO: Обмен и экономическая политикай . тип. К. Маттисена, Dorpat 1904.
  7. Miklaschewski TO: Бумажные деньги, их цена и значение для народного хозяйства . In: Экономический журнал . tape 11-12 , 1891.
  8. Miklaschewski TO: Рабочий вопрос и социальное законодательство в Германии . St. Petersburg 1896.
  9. Miklaschewski TO: Трудовая ценность и теория дифференциальной прибыли . In: Народное Хозяйство . 1900.
  10. Miklaschewski TO: Стачки и социальный вопрос . In: Вестник Права . 1905.
  11. Miklaschewski TO: Арбитраж и соглашение в промышленных спорах . тип. К. Матиссена, Dorpat 1907.