Alexander Rossnagel

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Alexander Roßnagel (* 1950 ) is a German law scholar and university professor for public law with a focus on technical law and environmental protection at the Economics Department at the University of Kassel and Managing Director of the Competence Center for Climate Protection and Adaptation (CliMA) at the University of Kassel. From 2000 to 2011 he was scientific director of the Institute for European Media Law (EMR) in Saarbrücken and from 2003 to 2011 one of the two vice-presidents of the University of Kassel, responsible for teaching.


In 1969, Roßnagel obtained the general university entrance qualification at the Karl-Friedrich-Gymnasium in Mannheim . He then studied law and received his doctorate in law in 1981 . From 1984 to 1992 he was a professor at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences . Since 1986 he has also been the scientific head of the project group constitutionally compatible technology design ( provet ) at the University of Kassel, which carries out interdisciplinary research projects on legal issues relating to information and communication technologies . Since 1988 he has also been a deputy member of the State Court of Baden-Württemberg. In 1991, Roßnagel's habilitation for public law and legal technology research at the Technical University of Darmstadt took place . In 1995/96 he received an endowed professorship for interdisciplinary studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Technology Research at the Technical University of Darmstadt.

In 2001, together with Hansjürgen Garstka and Andreas Pfitzmann , Roßnagel prepared an expert opinion on the modernization of German data protection law . The suggestions of the three experts were received positively in specialist circles. However, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which commissioned the report, did not implement the proposals.

In 2003 he and other authors prepared an expert opinion in the field of media law for access to digital satellite broadcasting.

In 2010 he worked as an expert in the process of data retention before the Federal Constitutional Court.

In 2019 he received a senior professorship at the University of Kassel.

One of his students is Gerrit Hornung , who after a four-year professorship at the University of Passau is now also a professor at the University of Kassel.


Work (excerpt)

  • Multimedia services and data protection. (with Johann Bizer ) Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-930241-51-X .
  • Modernization of data protection law. Expert opinion on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. (with Andreas Pfitzmann and Hansjürgen Garstka) Berlin 2001. Download ( Memento from October 1, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  • The electronic signature in public administration. Nomos, 2002, ISBN 3789079804 .
  • Handbook on data protection law - The new foundations for business and administration. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 2003, ISBN 3406484417 .
  • Data protection in electronic commerce. (with Jürgen Banzhaf and Rüdiger Grimm) Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft, 2003, ISBN 3800513242 .
  • Access to digital satellite broadcasting, digitization and television without borders, expert opinion on behalf of the Joint Agency for Digital Access of the Directors' Conference of the State Media Authorities. (with Werner Sosalla, Thomas Kleist, Alexander Scheuer, Jan Peter Müßig) Series of publications by the state media authorities, Volume 28, Vistas Verlag, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-89158-376-1 .
  • Technology for users. Nomos, 2004, ISBN 3832906827 .
  • With Karsten Altenhain : right of multimedia services. Commentary on the IuKDG and MDStV. Verlag CH Beck, 7th edition, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-406-44463-6 .
  • Data protection in the 21st century. In: From Politics and Contemporary History 5–6 / 2006, pp. 9–15. here
  • Modernization of data protection law for a world of ubiquitous data processing , in: MMR 2005, pp. 71 to 75.
  • Digital visions . For designing ubiquitous information technologies. Edited together with Tom Sommerlatte and Udo Winand, Springer Verlag 2008, ISBN 9783540770213

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Written statement on questions from the Federal Constitutional Court in connection with the constitutional complaints about data retention ( memento of August 26, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 157 kB)