Alexander Schroth

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Alexander Schroth (born January 13, 1828 in Vienna ; † December 16, 1899 ibid) was an Austrian sculptor and plaster sculptor .


Alexander Schroth was the grandson of the sculptor Johann Friedrich Schroth (1736-1803) and the son of the sculptor Johann Baptist Schroth (1789-1857), who worked as a plaster sculptor for the Vienna Art Academy .

Schroth studied sculpture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts with interruptions from 1843 to 1850. Afterwards he worked as a plaster former ("art former") at the Austrian Museum for Art and Industry , where he became head of the plaster foundry. He invented a new process that also made it possible to reproduce the color of the original.

His son Moriz (1853–1937) succeeded his father and took over the plaster molding, his son Eugen (1862–1945) became a painter.


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