Alfred Aberdam

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Alfred Aberdam (born April 15, 1894 in Lemberg ; died December 3, 1963 in Paris ) was a Polish painter who worked primarily in Paris.


Aberdam studied in 1913/14 at the Munich Art Academy with Gabriel von Hackl . During the First World War he was captured by Russia in Siberia and Moscow . After his return from Russia, he continued his studies at the Art Academy in Cracow with Teodor Axentowicz in 1921/22 . He then worked for some time with Alexander Archipenko in Berlin ; from 1924 he lived permanently in Paris . There he formed, together with Zygmunt Menkes , Joachim Weingart and Leon Weissberg, le Groupe des Quatre (the group of four; Polish: Grupy Czterech). The art forms represented by this group were part of the expressionist movement in the École de Paris . The group existed until 1925, and together they exhibited in 1925 at the Au Sacre du Printemps gallery run by Jan Śliwiński .

Aberdam was heavily influenced by the French masters of the 18th century, especially Watteau. He was represented with his pictures at the Salons des Tuileries in Paris and at the exhibitions of the Indépendants. The most important exhibitions of his works are: 1949 in the Galerie des Beaux-Arts in Paris (64 pictures and 25 drawings) and in Tel Aviv , in 1952 in the Bezalel Museum in Jerusalem and in the City Museum in Haifa .


  • Aberdam, Alfred . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 1, Seemann, Leipzig 1983, ISBN 3-598-22741-8 , p. 130.
  • Aberdam, Alfred . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 5 : V-Z. Supplements: A-G . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1961, p. 224 .
  • Chil Aronson: Art Polon. Mod., Paris 1929, with illustration.
  • Emmanuel Bénézit : Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Volume 1, Gründ, [Paris] 1948.
  • Haemanut Haichudit (Hebrew), Tel Aviv 1955, p. 649 (illustration).
  • Sztuki Piękne, 1926, p. 406; 1927, p. 163; 1929, p. 446; 1930, p. 374; 1933, pp. 30, 38, 140.
  • Tygodnik Illustr., 1925, p. 938; 1932, p. 827.
  • Świat (Warszawski), 1928 No. 1; 1930, No. 4; 1932, no.5.
  • Głos Plastyków, 1934, p. 127.
  • Przegląd Artystyczny, 1936, No. 1; 1949 No. 3 (illustration).
  • Wiadomości Liter., 1927, No. 196, with illustration; 1928, no. 237, with illustration; 1932, No. 467, with illustration.
  • Combat, April 6, 1955.
  • Ark (Paris), January 1959.
  • Catalog: Wystawy Grupy Plast. Nowoczesnych, Warsaw 1933; Wystawa Malarstwa Francuskiego.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. École de Paris: Le groupe des Quatre, éd. Gallimard, Paris 2002