Alfred Euerl

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Alfred Euerl (born February 11, 1897 in Nuremberg , † April 19, 1970 ibid) was a German politician of the CSU .


Euerl first did an apprenticeship in a law firm, then attended a commercial training school and a technical school for legal assistants and then worked for various law firms and companies in his hometown of Nuremberg. In 1923 he switched to Fränkische Überlandwerk AG , where he worked for almost forty years as a commercial clerk. In addition, he was involved in the Protestant church and was a member of the regional synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria and the regional synodal committee. From 1933, however, he was exposed to hostility from the National Socialists ; After protesting the arrest of Pastor Martin Niemöller , he was arrested by the Gestapo .

After the war, Euerl helped found the CSU in Nuremberg. There he held several managerial positions; from 1946 to 1952 he was chairman of the Nuremberg- Fürth - Schwabach district association and was also a member of the district and state executive. He was also a member of the Nuremberg City Council and the Supervisory Board of the German Association of Trade and Industrial Employees for a short time .

Euerl was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament from 1946 to 1966. He always moved into parliament via the constituency list, in the first electoral term in the constituency of Upper Franconia / Middle Franconia , and later in the constituency of Middle Franconia . From 1949 to 1950 he was also a member of the Nuremberg Prison Advisory Board, from 1954 to 1958 he was a deputy, non-professional member of the Bavarian Constitutional Court , after which he was a full member with a few interruptions until his death. From 1960 to 1962 he was also a member of the Broadcasting Council of Bavarian Radio .

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