Aljoša Jurinić

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Aljoša Jurinić (born June 2, 1989 in Zagreb ) is a Croatian classical pianist. In 2012 Jurinić won the 16th International Robert Schumann Competition for piano in Zwickau.


Jurinić studied at the Pavao Markovac Music School in Zagreb . He then studied with Ruben Dalibaltayan from 2007 to 2012 at the Music Academy of the University of Zagreb. From 2009 to 2011 he studied with Noel Flores at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and from 2011 to 2014 with Eliso Virsaladze at the music academy in Fiesole . Jurinić is currently studying with Grigory Gruzman as a concert diploma candidate at the Liszt School of Music Weimar .

In 2012 Jurinić won the 16th Robert Schumann Competition in Zwickau and the following competitions in Italy: The third Encore! Shura Cherkassky International Piano Competition in Milan 2012, the Luciano Luciani Competition in Cosenza 2014 and the International Piano Competition in Massarosa 2014. In 2015 he was a finalist of the 17th International Chopin Competition . In 2016 he was the winner of the Concours Musical Reine Elisabeth in the piano category. In addition, Aljoša Jurinić has won all the major prizes for young musicians in Croatia, in particular the prize for the best young musician of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra 2012, the Ivo Vuljević Jeunesse Musicales Award 2010, the Ferdo Livadić Award 2013, the Darko Lukić Prize 2015 and the Vladimir Nazor Prize , which has been awarded annually by the Croatian Ministry of Culture since 1959 for the very best achievements in the artistic field.

“Since his debut in London (2007) he has given concerts in many countries, including at the 'Piano Fortissimo' festivals in (Zagreb) and 'Split Summer' in Croatia, the 'Summer Music Evenings' in Kiev , at the 'From Easter to Ascension' 'in Tbilisi , at the Chopin Festival in Nohant , at the' Serate Musicali 'in Milan and at the' Festival Puccini 'in Torre del Lago . In February 2015 he made his debut with a recital at Carnegie Hall in New York . In 2018 he was on a debut tour in China, at the end of 2018 he will appear at the Wiener Musikverein and in 2019 he will go on a Japan and China tour. "

He played a large number of piano concerts with numerous orchestras, above all the Warsaw Philharmonic, the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Belgian National Orchestra, the Royal Flemish Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchester Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, the Plauen-Zwickau Philharmonie, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra , the Croatian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra, Kosovo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Serbian Radio Symphony Orchestra and other ensembles. He released his first CD in 2017 under the title - Chopin Alive.

Web links

Official website

Individual evidence

  1. Aljoša Jurinić. Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, accessed on October 23, 2018 (English): “Since his debut in London (2007), he has performed in recitals and concerts in many countries, including in the festivals' Piano Fortissimo '(Zagreb) and' Split Summer 'in Croatia, the' Summer Music Evenings' in Kiev, 'From Easter to Ascension' in Tbilisi, the Chopin Festival in Nohant, 'Serate Musicali' in Milan and 'Festival Puccini' in Torre del Lago. In February this year, he debuted with a recital at Carnegie Hall. "