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The Alkmaionis ( Greek  Ἀλκμαιωνίς , "poem of Alkmaion") is an epic by an author who was already unknown in antiquity, in which the Theban cycle is connected with the Trojan cycle . The story is about Alkmaion , who kills his mother Eriphyle because she was to blame for the death of his father Amphiaraos , as well as Alkmaion's deeds at the renewed migration of the Epigones .

Only three fragments of the epic have come down to us, in which, however, it is reproduced verbatim. It is likely after 600 BC. The material was probably already known to Homer , since in the Iliad he only mentions the three of the seven epigones Diomedes , Sthenelus and Euryalus , who are not killed in the Alkmaionis or cannot take part in the Trojan War for other reasons .

The content of the epic includes the killing of Alkmaion's mother Eriphyle in Argos , who was ordered to Alkmaion by his father before the war in Thebes , Alkmaion's leadership of the epigone and his victory over the Theban king Laodamas , Alkmaion's help for Diomedes in the reconquest of Aitolia and the Conquering a landscape named Akarnania after his son Akarnan . The capital of the landscape is named after his brother Amphilochos Argos Amphilochikon .

It is unclear whether Euripides used material from the Alkmaionis for his pieces Alkmaion in Corinth and Alkmaion in Psophis .
