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Map of ancient Lazio (area of ​​the Latins ), the Allia according to Livy as a left tributary a little north of the center of the picture

Allia is the name of a small tributary of the Tiber in ancient geography .

The name of the river is passed down mainly because of the Battle of the Allia , in which the Romans in 387 BC. Were defeated by the Celts under Brennus . It is also mentioned as the site of a battle in which the dictator Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus defeated the praenestines .

The exact identities of this body of water and thus the location of the slaughter site are not entirely clear due to the contradicting tradition in ancient times. According to Titus Livius it is a left tributary of the Tiber, whereas Diodorus speaks of a right tributary. The version of Livy is generally considered to be more believable. A stream called Fosso della Bettina is therefore a possible modern name for the Allia. According to the localization according to Livius, the Allia originated in the hill country around Crustumerium and flowed into the Tiber at about the eleventh milestone of the Via Salaria near Rome .



  1. On the latter battle, Livy 6:28; Eutropius 2.2.
  2. Titus Livius, Ab urbe condita 5:37.
  3. Diodorus 14,114.
  4. ^ Allia in the Treccani Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 28, 2020 (Italian).