Aloe sakoankenke

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Aloe sakoankenke
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Aloes ( aloe )
Type : Aloe sakoankenke
Scientific name
Aloe sakoankenke
J.-B. Castillon

Aloe sakoankenke is a species of aloes in the subfamily of the Affodill family (Asphodeloideae). The specific epithet sakoankenke is derived from the common name of the speciesin Madagascar.


Vegetative characteristics

Aloe sakoankenke grows without a trunk or trunk-forming, branched and forms quite large groups. The trunks reach a length of 30 to 40 centimeters and are 5 to 8 centimeters thick. The 15 to 20 ascending or erect, ovate-lanceolate leaves form rosettes . Their bright green, often reddish tinged leaf blades are up to 50 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide. Young leaves are profusely mottled pale. The green teeth on the leaf margin are 3 millimeters long and 10 to 20 millimeters apart.

Inflorescences and flowers

The upright inflorescence has up to eight branches and reaches a length of 150 to 200 centimeters. The almost loose grapes are 20 to 25 centimeters long and consist of 30 to 40 flowers. The whitish bracts are 6 to 10 millimeters long. The cylindrical, pink flowers are on 6 to 10 millimeter long, red flower stalks . The flowers are 30 to 35 millimeters long. At the level of the ovary , the flowers have a diameter of 9 millimeters. Your outer tepals are not fused together over a length of 10 to 15 millimeters. The stamens protrude 5 millimeters and the stylus protrudes 10 millimeters from the flower.

Systematics and distribution

Aloe sakoankenke is common in Madagascar in the Antsiranana province .

The first description by Jean-Bernard Castillon was published in 2004. A nomenclature synonym is Aloe massawana subsp. sakoankenke (J.B. Castillon) J.B. Castillon (2009).



Individual evidence

  1. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What's in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species . In: Bradleya . Volume 28, 2010, p. 99.
  2. ^ Jean-Bernard Castillon: Two new species and a new variety of Aloe (Asphodelaceae) from Madagascar . In: Haseltonia . Number 10, 2004, pp. 44-50.
  3. ^ In: International Cactus Adventures . Number 83, 2009, p. 16.