Alphonse Quizet

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Alphonse Léon Quizet (born March 13, 1885 in Paris ; † March 7, 1955 ibid) was a French landscape and architecture painter. He belonged to the circle of painters on Montmartre .


Alphonse Quizet was a son of the Leontine and Joseph Quizet couple. Soon after the birth of their son, the Quizets opened a café on the Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, a short distance away was the café of their parents, Leontine Quizets, where the couple had met. The family moved to Butte Montmartre in Quizet's childhood. When he was ten years old, Alphonse Quizet, whose playmates were Edmond Heuzé and André Utter , bought artist paints. Repeatedly he stayed away from school to go to the Louvre instead . Nevertheless, he completed his school education at the École superieure Colbert. He then became an apprentice at the Paris bus company. In two architectural offices - Potier & Brunet and Laville - he trained as a technical draftsman and discovered his skills in the field of architectural painting. Quizet found a job as a technical draftsman with the Compagnie des autobus de Paris and kept this until his retirement. His marriage in 1910 to the seamstress Jeanne Marie Frémy, who worked for Jeanne Paquin , had three daughters, Odette born in 1911, Simone born in 1914 and Raymonde born in 1916. From 1914 to March 1919 Quizet did military service. The family lived in various apartments on the Butte Montmartre before moving to the Quartier de l'Amérique development area in 1920. There she lived in Villa Félix-Faure with numerous pets. This house was to remain Quizet's residence and studio until the end of his life. He died in this house too. He was buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery .

Works and artist life

Quizet had taken drawing and painting courses at the Académie des Beaux-Arts at an early age and started painting around the turn of the century. He later frequented artistic circles, especially at Chez Victor and the Le Lapin Agile pub , which was originally called Cabaret des Assassins . This cabaret café was one of the main motifs of the Montmartre painters. In the pub, among others, Aristide Bruant , Maurice Utrillo and Élisée Maclet , who also found shelter there for a while, washing dishes and doing cleaning services in return. The owner of the establishment, Frédéric Gérard, was the owner of the donkey Lolo, who used his tail to create “abstract paintings” that were exhibited in the Salon des Indépendants .

Quizet had been in contact with Utrillo since 1903, who had a strong influence on him. Quizet and Utrillo often painted the same subject and sold their paintings together. Another close friend was Marcel Leprin , whom Quizet supported until his death. He added the title “Hommage à van Gogh ” to some of his pictures in order to express his admiration for his artistic role model Vincent van Gogh. The use of strong contrasts and bright, pure colors as well as Van Gogh's brushwork left their mark on Quizet's works. His main thematic focus was on architecture and life in Paris and is considered one of the most important chroniclers of the old Montmartre district. From 1904 he worked a lot with the painter Hans Olaf Heyerdahl , with whom he shared a garden and a house during this time. In 1906, however, Quizet apparently lived again with his parents in Rue Bachelet.

In 1914 he was admitted for the first time to the exhibition of the Salon de la Société des Beaux-Arts, which took place in the Grand Palais , with the painting Montmartre, la rue Saint-Vincent au printemps .

He had several solo exhibitions in the Bernheim-Jeune gallery . After returning from military service in 1919, he submitted an old picture to the Salon that he had already painted at the age of 18. La rue de Saules was immediately bought by the Musée du Luxembourg . In 1921 he exhibited for the first time in the Salon des Indépendants, and in 1922 he met Marcel Leprin.

In 1926 Quizet became a member of the Salon d'Automne ; from 1931 he was knight of the Legion of Honor. In the same year he received a silver medal at the International Exhibition in Paris. From 1907 to 1955 he exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants, the Salon Paris Moderne and the Salon des Tuileries . In 1941 he became a member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, in 1945 Vice-President of the Salon des Indépendants and in 1947 a member of the Conseil supérieur de l'enseignement des Beaux-Arts. Quizet was very much appreciated during his lifetime; In 1943 he created five paintings for the Salle des mariages in the town hall of Le Pré-Saint-Gervais .

In 2012/13 the exhibition Alphonse Quizet and the painters from Montmartre was on view in Stuttgart .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Alphonse Quizet and the painters from Montmartre , Maier & Co. Fine Art, Stuttgart 2012 ( digital version of the catalog ).
  2. Alphonse Quizet on