Amélie von Schwerin

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Amélie Ulrika Sofia von Schwerin , née Amélie Ulrika Sofia Chrysander (born April 2, 1819 in Skåne , † January 26, 1897 in Düsseldorf ) was a Swedish landscape and animal painter .


Amélie Ulrika Sofia Chrysander was born on April 2, 1819 as the daughter of Johan Chrysander (1781–1831) and Johanna Catharina, née von Essen af ​​Zellie (1795–1852). The father was the pastor ("kyrkoherde") responsible for the parishes of Färlöv and Strö in the diocese of Lund in the Swedish province of Schonen (Skåne). Since the place of birth for the brothers Carl Axel (* 1815) and August Theodor Chrysander (* 1817) is the municipality of Färlöv and the mother died here, Färlöv can also be accepted as the place of birth of Amélie.

On September 9, 1836 - just 17 years old - Amélie married Lieutenant Adam Otto Freiherr von Schwerin (* 1798 in Stockholm , † 1866 in Düsseldorf), who owned a share of the Spantekow estate in Pomerania and a house in Düsseldorf, by 27 years her senior where he settled after leaving in 1833. The marriage remained childless.

Amelie received her artistic training privately in Düsseldorf from 1855 to 1858, possibly from Hans Fredrik Gude or Adolph Tidemand , whose conception can be felt in her early paintings. Also in 1855 the Norwegian painter Anders Askevold came to Düsseldorf and became a private student, then an academy student with Gude. He frequented the circle of Scandinavian painters studying or already settled in Düsseldorf, to which Amélie von Schwerin also belonged. Both - documented for Askevold in 1877/78 - went to Munich to study in the studio of the animal painter Friedrich Voltz . He had developed his own landscape painting by combining motifs from the Bavarian foothills of the Alps and the mountains with animal motifs - cattle, cows and sheep, occasionally with shepherds. The location of the painting "Reitersteinberg und die Mühlsturzhörner" (near Berchtesgaden ) exhibited by Amélie von Schwerin in Breslau in 1869 refers to a corresponding stay of the artist in Bavaria , which was followed by other Bavarian motifs, such as Lake Starnberg (1875), Alpine landscape (1875) or Chiemsee (no year), “Landscape on the Ruhr” (1860), motifs from the Sieg (issued in 1869) or a “Motif from Holland” (1882) on corresponding stays.

After her return to Düsseldorf, Amélie von Schwerin's house in Jägerhofstrasse was the meeting place for Scandinavian and other artists for a long time. Her paintings, with which she was represented in numerous exhibitions in Germany, Sweden and Austria, were mostly sold to private collectors; the Swedish Art Association in Gothenburg acquired some works . Amélie von Schwerin died on January 26, 1897 at the age of 78 in Düsseldorf.

Participation in exhibitions

  • 1859 to 1867: Eduard Schulte and Bismeyer & Kraus art dealers in Düsseldorf
  • Academy exhibition Stockholm and Gothenburg: "Landscape on the Ruhr", 1860
  • Exhibitions by the Kunstverein in Bremen in 1862, 1864, 1868
  • Art exhibition of the Art Association for the Rhineland and Westphalia, Düsseldorf 1864
  • Wroclaw Art Exhibition. Organized by the Silesian Art Association in the Locale of the Silesian Fatherland Society (Blücherplatz in the stock exchange building) 1869: No. 535. "Reitersteinberg and the Mühlsturzhörner" (20 Frd'or), No. 536. "Landscape" (30 Frd'or) ; 1871: No. 466. “Motif of the victory” (18 Frd'or); 1873: No. 457. "Landscape of the Sieg" (250 thalers).
  • Academic exhibitions Berlin 1870 and Dresden 1871: "Landscape with cows on the Sieg" (Boetticher, No. 1)
  • Vienna, art exhibition of the world exhibition 1873: "Landscape"
  • Academic Art Exhibition Berlin 1874, General German Art Exhibition Düsseldorf 1880: "Landscape with cattle, motif from Upper Bavaria, morning mood" (Boetticher, No. 2)
  • Stockholm, academy exhibition 1875: (animal piece)
  • International Exhibition 1876: "Landscape with Cattle", Report: Excellence in landscape and cattle
  • Academic Art Exhibition Berlin 1877: "Landscape with Cows" (Boetticher, No. 3)

Works in the art trade (dated)

  • “Summer day at the lake”, 1858; Oil / canvas, 66 × 86 cm (color illus .: artnet)
  • “Watermill by the stream in a mountainous landscape”, 1858; Oil / canvas, 58 × 85 cm; signed: Düsseldorf 1858
  • "Mountain valley with mill on the brook", oil / canvas, 92.5 × 131.5 cm; signed: Düs 1859
  • “Farm under trees, in front of it a peasant family and on the left goats”, oil / canvas, 32 × 42 cm; signed and inscribed Dü 1860
  • “River Landscape with Cows and Shepherds”, 1864; Oil / canvas, 100 × 133 cm (color illustration: artnet)
  • “Summer Landscape with Cows”, 1865; Oil / canvas, 85 × 117 cm (color illus .: artnet)
  • “Shepherd boy with cattle”, 1873; Oil / canvas, 31.5 × 50 cm (color illus .: artnet)
  • “Alpine Landscape”, 1874; Oil / canvas (Color image: artnet)
  • “Cows Grazing on the Lake Shore”, 1875; Oil / canvas, 84 × 131 cm; signed and dated 1875
  • “Starnberger See”, 1875; Oil / canvas, 83.5 × 121.5 cm (not shown: artnet)
  • “Landscape with an inland lake”, 1879; Oil / canvas, 64 × 84 cm (color illustration: artnet)
  • “Landscape with cows. Motif from Holland ”, 1882; Oil / canvas, 65 × 99 cm (color illus .: artnet)
  • “Landscape with Cows in Moonlight”, 1883
  • “Pasture Landscape with Cows”, 1886; Oil / canvas (Color image: artnet)


  • Lorentz Dietrichson: Adolph Tidemand, hans Liv and hans værker. Volume 2: Tidemand og den Nordiske Kunstskole i Düsseldorf. 1850-1876. Chr. Tørnsbergs Förlag, Oslo 1879, p. 81 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Dubosc de Pesquidoux: L'Art de les deux mondes. Peinture et sculpture (1878). Volume 2, E. Plon, Paris 1881, p. 290: «  (…) madame la baronne Amélie von Schwerin a peint également des vaches grasses passant un torrent à gué sous des chênes majestueux. L'auteur tâtonne et cherche, mais finit par découvrir les secrets de la nature.  »
  • Schwerin, Amélie von, née Chrysander. In: Hermann Alexander Müller: Biographical Artist Lexicon. The most famous contemporaries in the field of fine arts of all countries with details of their works. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1882, p. 484 ( )
  • Schwerin, Amélie von, b. Chrysander. In: Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. Contribution to art history. Volume 2/2, sheets 33–67: Saal – Zwengauer. Ms. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1901, p. 699 ( ).
  • Hans Wolfgang Singer (Ed.): General artist lexicon. Life and works of the most famous visual artists. Prepared by Hermann Alexander Müller. Volume 4: Literary Institution Rütten & Loening, Frankfurt am Main 1921, 244 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Eskil Cronlund: Schwerin, Amelie Ulrika Sofia von, b. Chrysander . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 30 : Scheffel – Siemerding . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1936, p. 384 .
  • Gustav Keckeis, Blanche Christine Olschak (Hrsg.): Lexicon of women. Volume 2: I-Z. Zurich 1954.
  • Svenskt Konstnärs Lexicon. Volume 5: Sallinen-Övrabymästaren. Allhems Förlag, Malmö 1967.
  • Chris Petteys: Dictionary of Women Artists. Boston (MA) 1985.
  • Bärbel Kovalevski (Ed.): Between ideal and reality. Artists of Goethe's time between 1750 and 1850. Hatje, Ostfildern-Ruit 1999, p. 325.
  • Thomas Björk: Schwerin (née Chrysander), Ulrika Sofia Amalia (Amelie) Baroness of. In: Hans Paffrath , Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf (Hrsg.): Lexicon of the Düsseldorfer Malerschule. Volume 3. F. Bruckmann, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7654-3011-0 , p. 262; Illustration: “Cows on the river”, oil / canvas, 88.5 × 131 cm.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Amélie von Schwerin
  2. ^ Carl Sjöström: Carl Axel Chrysander . In: Skånska Nations före afdelningarnes tid (1682–1832) . 1897, p. 706 (Swedish, - Carl Axel died unmarried as a student in Malmö in 1834).
  3. August Theodor married Maria Lovisa Ghini (* 1823). Mentioned are the sisters Hedvig Maria (* † 1821) and Anna Hedvig Sylvia Chrysander (* 1824)
  4. Gabriel Anrep, Adam Lewenhaupt: Sveriges Ridderskaps och Adels Kalender för år 1874 . 9th year, 1853, p. 839 (Swedish, ).
  5. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for the year 1859. New series. First year, p. 78: “Schwerin, von, Otto, Freih. u. Lieutenant a. D., Jägerhofstr. 19. "
  6. ^ Address book Munich 1874, p. 445: "Voltz, Friedrich, Maler, Göthestr. 12/1. "
  7. ^ Dioscuri. XII, 1867, p. 133: Permanent art exhibition Bismeyer & Kraus, Düsseldorf. A. v. Schwerin's "Landscape with Cattle" is a very meritorious picture, in which, by the way, the animals are better than the landscape accessories.
  8. ^ Kunstverein Bremen (ed.): Directory of the exhibition catalogs of the Kunsthalle Bremen 1829–2001. May 2002.
  9. Reviews and communications about the fine arts. III, Vienna 1864, p. 215 ( ).
  10. ^ Official art catalog [of the world exhibition]. 2nd edition, Vienna 1873, Sweden (Munich), No. 87.
  11. Elis Sidenbladh: World Exhibition 1873 in Vienna. Sweden. 1, Statistical Communications. Nordstedt, Stockholm 1873, p. 9.
  12. Lorentz Dietrichson (Ed.): Academies för de fria konsterna utställning. In: Tidskrift för bildande Konst och Konstindustri. 1875, p. 123 ff.
  13. ^ Francis A. Walker (Ed.): International Exhibition 1876. Reports and awards Volume VII. Washington 1880: Gruppe XXVII, p. 117, No. 55: Baronesse Amelie von Schwerin (of Sweden), Dusseldorf, Germany.
  14. ^ Auction Neumeister, Munich, September 1996, No. 662; with illustration.
  15. auction. 291, Neumeister, Munich, March 1996, no.745 (catalog illustration).
  16. ^ Auction 291, Neumeister, Munich, March 20, 1996, No. 746; Fig.Plate 169.