American moxa herb

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American moxa herb
Artemisia douglasiana 3.jpg

American moxa herb ( Artemisia douglasiana )

Order : Astern-like (Asterales)
Family : Daisy family (Asteraceae)
Subfamily : Asteroideae
Tribe : Anthemideae
Genre : Artemisia
Type : American moxa herb
Scientific name
Artemisia douglasiana
Whole inflorescence

The American moxa herb ( Artemisia douglasiana ), also known as dream herb or prairie foot , is a type of plant from the genus Artemisia in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). It is native to the United States and Mexico.


The moxa grows as a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of a maximum of 180 cm. The growth is upright, bushy and clump-forming. The alternate arranged on the stem leaves are pinnatisect, upper side green, and down to whitish gray, the young leaves are lanceolate, the more pronounced lanceolate sawed.

There are numerous, panicley partial inflorescences in a whole inflorescence . In a partial inflorescence there are female, male and hermaphrodite flowers.


Artemisia douglasiana is native to North America from the United States to Mexico. Populations are mostly found in temperate zones on sufficiently nutrient-rich, moist soils .


For many Indian tribes , the aromatic drug has a similarly high cultural significance as the sagebrush . In addition to the incense , which are supposed to keep unwelcome ghosts and demons away, sweat baths are also popular to counteract colds, fevers and headaches .

The moxibustion the TCM often takes place by means of combustion, instead of the so-called moxa which is fixed engraved on a needle under the skin. Various types of mugwort are an essential part of moxa, hence the name “moxa herb” .

From a pharmacological point of view, the many Artemisia species based on essential oils have their own antiseptic properties .

Web links

Commons : American moxa herb ( Artemisia douglasiana )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b The University and Jepson Herbaria / University of California, Berkeley - TREATMENT FROM THE JEPSON MANUAL : Artemisia douglasiana .
  2. Calflora - data sheet of Artemisia douglasiana .
  3. Thomas Kinkele: Domestic incense plants . 1st edition. Windpferd, Oberstdorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-89385-615-2 .
  4. Christian Rätsch , Albert Hofmann : Encyclopedia of psychoactive plants . Botany, Ethnopharmacology and Applications. 7th edition. AT Verlag, Aarau 2004, ISBN 3-85502-570-3 .