Grabow Land Office

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Office Grabow-Land in the district of Ludwigslust

In the Grabow-Land office in the former Ludwigslust district in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , based in the non-official city of Grabow , the 15 municipalities of Balow , Brunow , Dadow , Dambeck , Eldena , Karstädt , Kremmin , Krinitz , Milow , Möllenbeck , Muchow , Prislich had been in the office since 1992 , Steesow , Werle and Zierzow merged to handle their administrative business.

On June 13, 2004 Dadow was incorporated into Gorlosen, Krinitz to Milow and Werle to Prislich. The municipality of Gorlosen came to the Grabow-Land office on June 13, 2004 from the dissolved Malliss office.

The Office Grabow country merged on 1 January 2005 with the city of Grabow to the new office Grabow .